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Travel Story

Travel Problems getting you down? Try these Ideas!

25 Februari 2016   16:05 Diperbarui: 25 Februari 2016   16:15 36
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11. Don’t be afraid to upgrade your seat, if you like traveling comfortably! Many airlines combine classic business class and coach seats by offering "quality economy" choices. They have bigger chairs, more legroom, and often don’t charge that much more. You can even try to upgrade your seat just before boarding, although you won’t know about the upgrade options if you check-in online.

12. Keep digital photos of your travel documents, like tickets, licenses, and passports. Should anything happen to your original travel documents, you’ll have the electronic copy just in case. Save these images on your computer, cloud, or in a few different places.

13. Your health should always be your Number One concern. Talk to your doctor before travelling. Consider any medication you are using, and find places where you can replaces these during your travels. You can also ask your doctor for a packed prescription in case of an emergency.

Traveling is something that many of us love to do, and many of us will travel at any possibility. Traveling can be both expensive and dangerous at times, so make sure you follow this advice for your next trip! You’ll be glad you did!


source image: preference hotels

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