Hi, i'm Prameswari Sri Wardhani. I am a 6th semester student majoring in nutrition at 'Aisyiyah University, Yogyakarta.
During my studies, I attended many seminars and webinars about nutrition. I had experience in community nutrition, such as contribute to the Posyandu Lansia, anthropometric measurements at Muhammadiyah 1 Minggir Middle School, and hypertension screening in Banyuraden Village. Beside that i very interested about weight loss and clinical dietetic.
Apart from these activities, I also contributed as the orientation committee of the Masa Ta'aruf for the Health Faculty of 'Aisyiyah University, Yogyakarta and also joined to International Credit Transfer to Malaysia.
I have experience as an student exchange at Universiti Teknologi Mara Puncak Alam. I also joined to our lecturer programe it is Nourish The Future. It's talk about obesit in Malaysia and how to solve it. This programe was held 3 day.
As a nutrition student, I am so excited to be the future dietitian and will serve the entire community.
Bergabung 11 Juli 2023
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