(“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe,” : Gail Devers)
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profesi jurnalistik sejati dengan terus menyuarakan keadilan dan kebenaran\r\nWartawan Koran Indonesia Pos\r\nTerbit terbit sejak 1968. satu satunya\r\nkoran tertua di Sulsel....
Housewife@Germany, founder My Bag is Your Bag, co founder KOTEKA, teacher, a Tripadvisor level 6, awardee 4 awards from Ambassadress of Hungary, H.E.Wening Esthyprobo Fatandari, M.A 2017, General Consul KJRI Frankfurt, Mr. Acep Somantri 2020; Kompasianer of the year 2020.
to thee a man in a space that is still a secret gods, whose face was as calm as Yusuf, who always washed my ablutions always miss the meeting where any place.\r\n\r\n~tentang hal yang menjadi kerinduanku selama ini~\r\n\r\n•Mau duda atau perjaka yang penting bukan punya orang :)