Poniri namaku
Bergabung 08 November 2013
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Kang Yusril
Fa inna ma'al 'usri yusra
Inna ma'al 'usri yusra.
Deffa Utama
Saya Musisi dan Traveler
Garuda Hitam
Garuda Hitam adalah cerita bersambung dengan genre spionase, kombinasi antara Da Vinci Code dengan James Bond, tentang intrik politik dan intelejen tingkat tinggi yang terjadi di tanah air. Kendati beberapa tokoh dan lembaga yang disebut dalam kisah ini benar-benar ada, cerita ini seratus persen fiksi alias khayalan. Kisah ini ditulis secara bergantian oleh Suka Ngeblog, Daun Ilalang dan Hes Hidayat
Irham WP
(“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe,” : Gail Devers)
This is a moderated blog. Any comment contributing to a serious discussion is welcome. Some people may not agree with the content of some posts, but please refrain from abusive, profane, or offensive language in your comments - they will automatically be deleted, as will all comments that have no bearing whatsoever on the subject and/or only serve to slight or even insult the author.
Neng Winda Asih
Mantra meraih Cita - Cita :\r\n" Manjadda Wajada (Siapa yang bersungguh - sungguh, maka akan berhasilah dia)"
Romy Dinasty Samudra
Content Strategis at PT. Bumi Dinasty\r\n\r\nAnd Social Activist at Bumi Dinasty School. Entrepreneur, Buzzer, Public Speaker, Brand & Digital Marketing Consultant.\r\n\r\nInnovate nothing to be something & develop nobody to be somebody!\r\n\r\nMy name is easy to remember. My work is hard to forget.
Widayati Soekardjo
arang patah, mentari meredup, deras hujan tak kuasa kembali ke langit, setiap tetes airmataku bertuliskan namamu.\r\n
Lailatul Kiptiyah
utlubul 'ilmi...sembari belajar mengapresiasi...