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Ilmu Sosbud

Teaching Philosophy of "Smart with Integrity" for the Character and Integrity Development of Students

22 Oktober 2023   00:00 Diperbarui: 22 Oktober 2023   00:20 227
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Furthermore, this research can also provide in-depth insights into how PTPS can assist in realizing the "Smart with Integrity" School Value Proposition (SVP) for the students educated under the Tarakanita Foundation. By exploring the relationship between the teaching philosophies of teachers and the attainment of SVP values, this research can offer a more comprehensive view of how to engage students in learning that integrates intelligence and integrity. This will help strengthen the foundation's educational mission and increase its positive influence on students' character development.

Finally, this research will also lay the foundation for the foundation to develop better policies and programs to support PTPS and the SVP values they aim to achieve. With a clearer understanding of the relationship between teaching philosophy and educational outcomes, the foundation can design more effective strategies to facilitate the development of teachers in integrating these values into their teaching. This will ensure that the education provided by the foundation truly reflects the vision of "Smart with Integrity" and maximizes the benefits for the students it educates.

Theoretical Study

1. Personal Teaching Philosophy Statement

A Personal Teaching Philosophy Statement (PTPS) is a crucial component in a teacher's career. This statement reflects a teacher's beliefs and teaching practices, essentially serving as an individual narrative of their perspective on the teaching and learning process. However, this statement is not merely an abstract concept; it also encompasses concrete examples of how they manifest their beliefs within the classroom. In other words, the PTPS is an essential tool that assists teachers in realizing their teaching objectives.

As a foundational framework, the PTPS plays a pivotal role in guiding a teacher's approach to teaching. It provides a clear direction for choosing teaching methods, learning strategies, and interactions with students. When a teacher comprehends and formulates their beliefs explicitly through a personal teaching philosophy statement, they are more likely to maintain consistency in their teaching practices. This consistency helps create a stable and uniform environment for students, subsequently facilitating effective learning.

Beyond practical advantages, the PTPS also supports a teacher's professional and personal growth. Regularly reflecting on and updating their philosophical statement enables teachers to effectively identify areas where they can enhance the quality of their teaching. This encourages teachers to continue learning and developing, actively seeking opportunities for improvement and personal growth. Furthermore, this statement also aids in personal growth, as teachers gain a better understanding of the values and beliefs that underpin their teaching approach. Thus, the PTPS serves as a critical tool in a teacher's self-development, ultimately benefiting the students' learning experiences.

2. School Value Proposition

The School Value Proposition (SVP), also known as the School Value Statement, is a profound declaration that clearly outlines the primary benefits expected by students and families who choose to attend a particular school. The SVP is not merely a slogan or a brief phrase that adorns school marketing materials; instead, it serves as an in-depth guide that reveals why the school is a better choice than other alternatives. In the context of the Tarakanita Foundation, the SVP "Smart with Integrity" holds significant relevance. It is not mere empty words but rather a strong foundation that provides direction to the education offered and delivers tangible benefits to students and families.

The importance of the SVP "Smart with Integrity" in the context of the Tarakanita Foundation becomes evident in several aspects. Firstly, the SVP aids in guiding educational objectives. By embracing the vision of "Smart with Integrity," teachers and school staff have a strong foundation for developing the curriculum, teaching methods, and the school's culture. They understand that every step taken must contribute to shaping intelligent and integrity-driven students. The SVP is not just a slogan; it genuinely informs decision-making in the educational context.

Secondly, the SVP "Smart with Integrity" helps support the professional and personal growth of teachers. This statement encourages teachers to consistently strive to understand how they can more effectively nurture intelligent and integrity-driven students. It motivates them to keep learning and enhancing their teaching skills while prioritizing integrity values in their interactions with students. In other words, the SVP provides a strong foundation for sustainable professional growth.

The SVP "Smart with Integrity" is not a mere empty motto; it is the cornerstone that makes the Tarakanita Foundation unique and valuable. Within this guidance, there is a strong commitment to creating intelligent students and individuals of integrity. Through this statement, the school ensures that the education they provide is not just about academic results but also about molding students with high integrity values. Therefore, the SVP "Smart with Integrity" serves as the foundation that helps guide teachers in their teaching, supports their professional and personal growth, and delivers real benefits to students and families who choose this school as their place of learning and development.

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical framework underpinning this research is based on the assumption that Personal Teaching Philosophy Statements (PTPS) play a key role in supporting schools under the Tarakanita Foundation in realizing the School Value Proposition (SVP) "Smart with Integrity" for their students. In this context, the PTPS is considered a tool that facilitates teachers in integrating the values embedded in the SVP into students' learning experiences. This is grounded in the belief that, through clear and robust PTPS, teachers can be more effective in communicating, internalizing, and applying these values in the learning process.

The PTPS becomes relevant in the effort to realize the SVP "Smart with Integrity" as it serves as the foundation for teaching that aligns consistently with the school's values. Teachers with clear PTPS can identify their beliefs and principles in education. Consequently, this helps them blend these values with the core elements of the SVP, such as 'smart' and 'integrity,' into their lesson plans. In other words, teachers use their philosophical framework to design learning experiences that reflect the values they hold, aligning with the school's SVP.

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