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Pitriyani Afipah
Pitriyani Afipah Mohon Tunggu... Guru

Pitriyani Afipah adalah seorang guru yang mengajar di SMPN 17 Kota Cirebon sejak tahun 2005 hingga sekarang. Lahir di Tasikmalaya pada tanggal 09 Mei 1982. Hoby sejak kecil adalah seni melukis kaligrafi islam. Pendidika terakhir yaitu Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris pada Pascasarjana Universitas PGRI Jakarta.




The Use of Simple Present Tense Verb and Temporal Conjunction on Student's Writing Procedure Text

27 Januari 2024   09:12 Diperbarui: 23 Februari 2024   20:49 1237
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As describe in table 1. found the total error is 112 errors of Simple Present Tense Verb which consist of thelowestis 16 errors or 14,28% for addition, 23 errors or 20,53% for misordering, 35 errors or 31,25% for misformation, and the highest 38 error or 33,92% for omission. The results of the analysis above, when displayed in a pie chart, willlooks like the following:

 Figure 1. The chart of errors The Use simple Present Tense in Students' writing procedural Text. Dokpri
 Figure 1. The chart of errors The Use simple Present Tense in Students' writing procedural Text. Dokpri


It can be concluded that from the procedure text writing, there were the total error is 112 cases errors of simple present tense verb which consist of thelowestis 16errors or 20% for addition, 23 errors or 21% for misordering, 35 errors or 31% for misformation,and the highest 38 error or 34% for omission. The results of the analysis above.

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