Menulis untuk membebaskan hati dan pikiran. Menulis opini tentang realitas kemanusiaan dan reportase parjalanan/traveling diwilayah Indonesia adalah tantangan. Selain menikmati hoby fotografi dan hiking.
Lahir di Yogyakarta. Tinggal di Bengkulu sejak 2009. Pernah kuliah di Geografi UGM. Mulai 2009 bertani & berkebun sawit & karet. Nikah 1997 & dikaruniai 3 anak laki-laki.
Formal Education Background in UPDM (B) Of Bachelor’s Degree of Politics and Social Science, majoring of Public Administration and Master Degree, Majoring of Human Resources. Worked in various private companies over 30 years, such as: PT. Pan Brothers Textile as HRD Assistant Manager, PT. Sumber Makmur as HRD Manager, General Personnel Manager at PT. Bangun Perkarsa Adhitamasentra, Senior Manager of HRD and General affair at PT. Indoraya Giriperkarsa, Headmaster of Kelapa Dua High School, and the last, Head of the General Bureau and Human Resources at ISTN Jakarta.