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Who Are to Become Heroes Nowadays

28 Oktober 2014   01:07 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   19:31 18
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Sosbud. Sumber ilustrasi: Indonesia

In the past days, even before Indonesia nation established, many men and women did 'spectacular' acts, get wide acknowledgement and then become nation's heroes today. One of them was R.A. Kartini, by friendship with her Dutch friends, her thought written down in letters she wrote that later then was compiled, revealed spirit of freedom for women. Spirit that in her days was something beyond her era, since at that time, nation we called today Indonesia's women were living in condition of poor education, primordial culture, and nation (if it were) that was in colonialism by Western countries.

Her struggling for women freedom, dignity and live only she could do by sharing her thoughts in letters with expectation that someone might be in sympathy and willing to take actions. But sadly, in her days all of her hope haven't come into reality. So what was actually the reason behind government has been inaugurated her a tittle hero?    It was her thoughts, ideal, and may be her compassionate for women life.

So, in past days, your brilliant thoughts, when it widely recognized and highly valued, you might have chance to be come a hero. Such circumstances have already gone away today, since more well educated and more excellent women than Kartini you can find them abundantly. You are never be chosen only because of your best seller books, you would be recognized well if you taking real actions also. In short words, "you should be both practitioner and thinker, equal in excellency".

And more, someone must take specialty or her/his very best in an specific expertise. Susi Susanti and Alan Budikusuma, they were sport heroes of their time.  A man who dedicates all his life to preserve green turtles habitat and environment deserve to be called a hero.  High school students who winning Mathematics Olympics are heroes. Word "hero" should be taken different in meaning today, since citizens have been contributing for nation developments with their fullest talents, more than just for nation freedom.

Therefore the government's way or game in inaugurating people with title "hero" should be widening, expanding its spectrum.

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