What Are the Possible Challenges?
Although differentiated learning has many benefits, its implementation also faces several challenges, including (Supriana, Liliani, and Luthfia 2024):
- Lack of Time, teachers often find it difficult to prepare various materials and different learning activities. However, this can be overcome by collaborating with Colleagues. Teachers can share ideas and resources with fellow teachers to design differentiated learning.
- Lack of Resources, not all schools have adequate facilities and resources to support differentiated learning. Therefore, teachers must be able to utilize technology to help manage heterogeneous classes and provide various interesting learning resources.
- Lack of Teacher Skills, not all teachers have the skills needed to design and implement differentiated learning. The solution is that teachers can take relevant training to improve their skills in designing and implementing differentiated learning.
Differentiated learning is a very relevant learning approach in the current educational context. By implementing differentiated learning, teachers can help each student reach their maximum potential and prepare them to face future challenges.
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Supriana, Edi, Novia Tita Liliani, and Rifda Zulfa Luthfia. 2024. “TANTANGAN IMPLEMENTASI PEMBELAJARAN BERDIFERENSIASI: SEBUAH STUDI LITERATUR.” Jurnal Pembelajaran, Bimbingan, Dan Pengelolaan Pendidikan 4 (5): 9.
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