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Paulina Sihaloho
Paulina Sihaloho Mohon Tunggu... Pelajar

Aku pelajar SMA Bintang Timur, Pematang Siantar. Aku menulis untuk mengasah dan mempertajam pikiran, serta menjadikan hidupku lebih baik dari hari ke hari.




Where Have I Been Later on?

22 November 2024   16:09 Diperbarui: 22 November 2024   17:14 48
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(Personal Doc. Paulina Sihaloho)

  • I have been away for more than a week, for two main reasons:
  • I had to work on my research paper, Karya Tulis Ilmiah. We started to work on our paper three months ago at the beginning of this semester. As for November, all students have to pass research paper proposal, examination. My examination was on November 13, more than a week ago. This research paper is required for all of the 12th grade students at my school, otherwise we are not allowed to join this coming semester examination. As you can imagine, working on our research paper has been one of the hottest topics for us students even as early as July this year. We have been quite anxious as how to do and what kind of preparation we must take care in order to write our research paper.
  • At home this week, unfortunately, I also had to deal with slow internet connection which was beyond my expertise to handle with. It took several days for a technician to come over to fix it. Finally, yesterday, it was taken care.

This morning, I would like to read one piece of assignments given to us by our English teacher. 

At page 122, on my English Text Book, students were asked to practice writing exposition text with a systematic procedure starting with: Thesis, Argument, and Recommendation.

In class, our English teacher, wrote a paragraph on the whiteboard as follows:

Nowaday lives, households seem to have many problems within. One of the most common problems in households is cheating. It seems that now, cheating is like a hobby. Many people proud to do the cheat thing. Just like an example, public figures and their households. Many of them caught to cheat just like Paula. It's just like people can't take the fact that Paula caught cheating. And still they started on Paula. Even though they know it isn't appropriate to cheat. Although we know that husband, Baim, won't a good husband, still we have lesson to tell that cheating isn't the way. 

That is a THESIS for an exposition text provided by our English teacher. We the students had to write several arguments as follows: 

Cheating is a bad thing to do. Generally speaking, the life of artists as public figures often colored by gossips, including cheating or infidelity. For example, Baim, as an artist, accused his wife as a cheater. They have been living separately for more than six months now. Baim himself, legally, already filed a divorce. Paula, his wife, stated that she didn't cheat. Therefore, since the case is already being taken cared by the court in South Jakarta, we will be seeing what is going to happen.

In Indonesia, since we are eastern folks, strongly attached to our culture, any news to do with cheating, becomes viral easily. Family from both sides give all kinds of advice for the couple in trouble as what to do next. The problem itself can get worst due to the interference of the family members.  

It is also common that a couple who are in conflict have to go to court. The court has an authority to legalize a divorce between a couple, if necessary, since it is a legal procedure. In this case, the court regulates what steps to take by the couple, such as who is responsible to take care of the children if they already have some. In this case, both Paula and Baim have two children.

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