Keluarga saya tidak besar. Saya dan isteri dengan 4 orang anak yi 3 perempuan dan 1 lelaki. Kami terpencar di 2 kota yi Malang, Jawa timur dan Jakarta.
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Aktivis pendidikan anak|
Mompreneur, Owner Brand Skincare|Batik enterpreneur|
Founder a Preschool and Kindergarten|
Certified Counselling Child and Adolescents|
Certified Early Childhood and Care Education|
Certified Hypnosis and Hypnotherapist|
Certified Professional Fengshui Master|
Certified Tarot Card Reading Masterclass
Just a stroke survivor :
stroke dan cancer survivor, architect, 'urban and city planner', author, traveller, motivator, philatelist, also as Jesus's belonging.
Housewife@Germany, founder My Bag is Your Bag, co founder KOTEKA, teacher, a Tripadvisor level 6, awardee 4 awards from Ambassadress of Hungary, H.E.Wening Esthyprobo Fatandari, M.A 2017, General Consul KJRI Frankfurt, Mr. Acep Somantri 2020; Kompasianer of the year 2020.