This is the fourth novel from Ika Natassa. After a Very Yuppy Wedding, Divortiare and Underground. A Very Yuppy Wedding became Editor Choice of the Cosmopolitan Magazine-Indonesia in 2008 and she was also nominated as Talented Young Writer's Literary Award in recognition Khatulistiwa Literary Award in 2008. In 2004 she became one of the finalists Fun Fearless Female of Cosmopolitan Indonesia and in 2010 received an award Woman Icon from The Marketeers. Day 20th, on Ramadhan. I went to the Gramedia Bookstore. I didn't see this novel initially but suddenly a girl yelling to her friend that she found Ika Natassa's new novel. Looks like she is fans of Ms. Ika Natassa. Then I walked to that shelf. Read the review and testimonies. Looked interesting. Tapi covernya rather gloomy ya. Suram. Is there a particular philosophy? Maybe. Antologi Rasa. With a special characteristic writing style, Ms. Ika Natassa still tells about personal bankers. This novel is a classic story -love- actually, but she could made it crunchy!. She presents metropolis's characters that behind the success of their career, they were through dramatic emotional crises. Fragile. Crumbly. I like this part. Everyone has a conflict. Certainly. How do we handle it, that's the point. And finally we just gotta pick our happiness. Di novel ini, saya lebih fokus menyoroti mereka sebagai para eksekutif muda. WORK and its PURPOSE. I like when Keara said "..., if you ask me if I'm happy with my job right now, well..., this is just something I do between weekends Rul. Ini cuma sesuatu yang harus gue lakukan. To afford these shoes, this camera, this hanbag, this watch. Kalau boleh memilih gue cuma ingin jalan-jalan keliling Indonesia, keliling dunia and do nothing but take picture". One of the many things that I like from Ms. Ika Natassa's writing style is 'kejujuran karakter'. Dia membiarkannya mengalir, membuat novel ini hidup!. Then Ruly said " Kalau lo nanya gue, apakah gue puas dengan pekerjaan gue sekarang, mungkin jawabannya sama dengan elo, Key. Ini cuma sesuatu yang harus gue lakukan. Gue nggak bisa seperti Tiger Woods yang bisa latihan dengan 4.000 bola satu hari, karena nggak ada sponsor sekelas Nike yang bayarin dan ngurusin pretelan-pretelan gue di saat gue hanya perlu mikirin satu hal : win the game. Gue nggak bisa seperti David Beckham, yang hanya perlu mikirin latihan dan ada manajer yang mikirin berapa ribu atau juta dolar yang masuk ke rekening gue setiap gue nendang bola. Jadi atlet di sini nggak bisa bikin gue beli mobil yang sekarang terparkir di luar itu, key. A man has to do what man has to do, right? ". We're both just people who worry about the breaths we take, not how we breathe. Have you ever felt like that? YESSS, I HAAVEEE! Sometimes I think that I'm a bachelor's degree and working is a must! is as it should. That's the rule! -REVISION- That's my parent's rule exactly!. Working for a living. Seems a prestige when we are working in reputable companies ya -8 to 5 or more-. Working 'till you drop. But have you ever felt that you don't know what you are doing exactly? don't know what are you looking for real...? is it for pride or self exsistance -that we are bachelor/master's degree- or to get rich or necessity...?. You just to do what you has to do, without PASSION at all. Like a robot or zombie. Days, weeks, months and years. Did you ever? I DID -hehe-. And finally, one thing that could keep us on the track is faith. Waduhh, kenapa jadi curhat? Oke, back to our topic. There is one more thing that made me laugh outright. When Ruly dan Keara were suddenly got call from their office to work on holiday. Ruly said : "bayaran gue nggak cukup untuk bisa merasa rela bahwa hidup santai gue, hak gue istirahat, dirusak gara-gara penggilan lembur" or when Keara said "ada 3 hal yang buat gue haram seharam-haramnya : babi, pakai flats ke kantor dan bekerja -atau membicarakan urusan kantor- pada hari libur. I have a life ya" -ketawa sendiri-. But, sometimes we have no choice. Professional. No other word!. I Really LOVE this SENTENCE :"Aneh ya, lama-lama kita bisa tanpa sadar membiarkan identitas pribadi kita dibentuk perusahaan". NONJOK. Have you felt like that? OF COURSE, I HAAVEEE! Well, that's life..., work hard and play hard. Finally we must find our own way and just gotta pick our happiness... ;). Although I still prefer 'divortiare', but it doesn't stop making me amazed with excellent characteristic writing style-nya Ms. Ika Natassa. Selamat membaca!
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