Muhammad Natsir Tahar|
Writerpreneur| pembaca filsafat dan futurisme| Batam, Indonesia|
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management at Kingston International College, Singapore|
International Certificates Achievements:
English for Academic Study, Coventry University (UK)|
Digital Skills: Artificial Intelligence, Accenture (UK)|
Arts and Technology Teach-Out, University of Michigan (USA)|
Leading Culturally Diverse Teams in The Workplace, Deakin University and Deakin Business Course (Australia)|
Introduction to Business Management, King's College London (UK)|
Motivation and Engagement in an Uncertain World, Coventry University (UK)|
Stakeholder and Engagement Strategy, Philantrhopy University and Sustainably Knowledge Group (USA)|
Pathway to Property: Starting Your Career in Real Estate, University of Reading and Henley Business School (UK)| Communication and Interpersonal Skills at Work, University of Leeds and Institute of Coding (UK)| Leading Strategic Innovation, Deakin University (Australia) and Coventry University (UK)| Entrepreneurship: From Business Idea to Action, King's College London (UK)| Study UK: Prepare to Study and Live in the UK, British Council (UK)| Leading Change Through Policymaking, British Council (UK)| Big Data Analytics, Griffith University (Australia)| What Make an Effective Presentation?, Coventry University (UK)| The Psychology of Personality, Monash University (Australia)| Create a Professional Online Presence, University of Leeds and Institute of Coding (UK)| Collaborative Working in a Remote Team, University of Leeds and Institute of Coding (UK)| Create a Social Media Marketing Campaign University of Leeds (UK)| Presenting Your Work with Impact, University of Leeds (UK)| Digital Skills: Embracing Digital, Technology King's College London (UK), etc.
Kepala SMP Negeri 52 Jakarta. Pengagum Gus Dur, Syafii Maarif, dan Mustofa Bisri. Penerima Adi Karya IKAPI tahun 2000 untuk buku novel anaknya yang berjudul "Bukan Sekadar Basa Basi".
Tertarik pada dunia pendidikan, matematika finansial, life style, kehidupan sosial dan budaya. Sesekali menyoroti soal pemerintahan. Penikmat kuliner dan jalan-jalan. Senang nonton badminton dan bola voli.
#Juara Best In Specific Interest Kompasiana Award 2023#Nominee Best In Specific Interest Kompasiana Award 2022#Kompasianer Terpopuler 2020#Menulis sesuai suara hati#Kebebasan berpendapat dijamin Konstitusi#