Nowadays I don’t go to the game shop to buy game cassettes like most people. I download them from home. This is how we learn naturally. Years ago I had no knowledge on downloading pirated games. Through experience, we make ineffective things more effective. Instead of walking the long route, you’d taken the shortcut once you knew about it. Learning and applying. I learned how to download games from home and applied it directly to my life.
School on the other hand is a different case. Each and every one of our lives is different. We all have different experiences, opinions, faces. Not one person in this world is exactly alike. Because of this, there is preference. Some of us like different ice cream, different computers, different restaurants, etc etc etc.
We value things that have a link in our lives as well. A fisherman would not benefit much from a quantum physics textbook. If this is true, then why on earth are we forced to study things that are irrelevant to our lives? Irrelevance tends to bore us. Why am I studying this? Who needs this? Why did they even think of putting this on the curriculum?
Did you ever ask yourself, why are you interested in a certain subject and not others? There could be many factors including, the teacher, the textbook, the ‘easier to understand’, the ‘last subject of the day so the teacher will take it easy on us’. It is very rare to find someone studying because it truly benefits them. And practically, that’s what studying should be. It should benefit the student INSTANTLY. Not benefit for tomorrow, not for next week for the test, not for next month’s UN and certainly not until you get a job.
If a certain subject has no relevance and no importance to you, then you will forget it, simply put. I have a close friend who finished to high school. Months later he doesn't remember a thing.
Education is the stuff that you don’t forget. –Quote Someone I forgot
Teachers wonder why students procrastinate or play video games. Well that’s because video games pleasure the brain instantly, not tomorrow, not until you get a job.
This is a waste of money. Parents money and taxpayers money. It’s ineffective and inefficient. Students forget stuff after UN which will have no benefit to them also.
Someone needs to do something about this. Someone needs to step up the game. Someone needs to make school more interesting.
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