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Oliviani Eka Rasmuni
Oliviani Eka Rasmuni Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Optimizing Spinach Growth: Harnessing Biochar to Mitigate Heavy Metal Contamination

29 Desember 2023   17:12 Diperbarui: 6 Januari 2024   14:04 98
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Spinach, scientifically known as Spinacia oleracea, stands a significant role in agriculture and human nutrition. As a versatile leafy green, it is cultivated in many parts of the world and is an essential component of a healthy diet due to its exceptional nutrition. The adaptability of spinach to various growing conditions shows its importance in agriculture. Its ability to thrive in both temperate and cold climates has made it a reliable crop for farmers across different regions, thus contributing to its widespread cultivation and availability. In terms of nutrition, spinach is considered a nutritious vegetable containing high amounts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Apart from macronutrients such as carbohydrates and protein, spinach contains lignin, cellulose, tannin, amaranthine, potassium nitrate, and calcium oxalate. Spinach also contains vitamins A, C, and K, iron, fiber, and folate which are important for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. 

In the agricultural sector, heavy metal contamination is a huge threat, affecting the growth and health of important crops such as spinach. This dangerous problem arises from various sources such as industrial activities, mining operations, and improper waste disposal which results in the introduction of toxic metal elements into cultivated soil. The presence of dangerous heavy metals in cultivated soil triggers a series of worrying impacts on the spinach’s growth, yield, and safety.

Heavy metals enter agricultural soil from various sources, both through anthropogenic activities and natural events. Industrial activities are a major contributor to the release of metals such as cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic into the environment through emissions, waste disposal and manufacturing processes. These contaminants enter the soil through atmospheric deposition or direct disposal and can pose a major threat to agricultural land. In addition, agricultural activities such as the use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers can insert heavy metals like cadmium and lead into the soil. Urbanization also compounds these problems with urban air runoff, sewage sludge, and improper waste disposal adding heavy metals from household products and urban waste into agricultural soil. 

Heavy metals in the soil such as chromium, cadmium, arsenic, lead, copper, and mercury can significantly affect the quality and safety of spinach. Cadmium and chromium are two of the most toxic heavy metals that have a major impact on agricultural soils, posing risks to plant health and human safety. According to the book entitled Plant Physiology 4th ed., cadmium has the propensity to gather in both the roots and shoots of plants, thereby diminishing plant growth and lowering chlorophyll levels. Furthermore, cadmium (Cd) toxicity can disrupt the absorption of crucial nutrients such as calcium, iron, and potassium, resulting in deficiencies and decreased crop yield. Long-term exposure to cadmium-contaminated plants can cause adverse effects on human health, including kidney damage, bone demineralization, and potential carcinogenicity. 

Similarly, excessive chromium (Cr) levels have the potential to hinder crop growth and yield by disrupting the absorption of water and essential nutrients by plants. Additionally, a buildup of chromium in plants can make them unfit for consumption, given that chromium is a strong carcinogen and poses significant health risks to humans. Exposure to chromium has been linked to respiratory complications, skin discomfort, and gastrointestinal disturbances. Hence, it is essential to address contaminated soils through remediation methods to minimize crops' exposure to cadmium and chromium, ensuring the safety of food production. Also, It is crucial to tackle the issue of heavy metal toxicity in spinach to guarantee its safe inclusion in a nutritious diet.

The application of biochar technology has shown encouraging results in reducing the adverse effects of cadmium and chromium toxicity on plants. Biochar is stable carbon-rich material produced from burning biomass without oxygen such as rice husks and sugar cane bagasse. On the report of Science Daily, biochar can originate from various organic substances containing carbon, like crop residues or wood waste. The creation process of biochar involves a methodical conversion of organis biomass into a stable carbon-rich material through a controlled heating process known as pyrolysis. Initially, the biomass material, which can be wood chips, agricultural residues, or organic waste, needs to be prepared by chipping, shredding, or cutting it into small pieces of the same size. This helps to ensure even heating and efficient conversion during pyrolysis. Then, this prepared biomass is fed into the pyrolysis chamber or furnace. The chamber is heated to the desired temperature range while limiting the oxygen supply or maintaining a low oxygen environment (anaerobic conditions). This prevents complete combustion and starts the pyrolysis process. When the chamber heats up to temperatures ranging from 350oC to 700oC, the biomass material decomposes thermally and does not burn complete until producing biochar along with by-products such as bio-oil and syngas (a mixture of gases such as hydrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide). Once the pyrolysis process is complete, the biochar is allowed to cool before being collected. This can be done by letting the chamber naturally cool or using a quenching method like adding water to stop any residual combustion. Finally, collect the biochar.

Source : American Chemical Society Publications (2023)
Source : American Chemical Society Publications (2023)

The resulting biochar is a highly porous carbon-rich material with a complex structure that provides many benefits when added to the soil. Biochar's effectiveness in combating heavy metal contamination stems from its unique properties. Its porous structure and high surface area provide ample binding sites for heavy metal ions, facilitating adsorption and reducing their availability in the environment. The extensive surface area of biochar enables it to efficiently absorb and retain essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium within the soil. This capacity significantly mitigates the leaching and loss of these crucial nutrients, ensuring their availability for plants and preventing their depletion from the soil. Additionally, biochar's chemical composition, rich in functional groups like carboxyl and hydroxyl, enables it to chemically bind with heavy metals, immobilizing them and preventing their movement. Its neutral to alkaline pH helps stabilize soil acidity, curbing the solubility and mobility of certain metals. With a high Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), biochar can retain and exchange metal ions, limiting their uptake by plants or leaching into groundwater. Its longevity ensures a long-term solution, and by reducing toxicity, biochar contributes to rendering contaminated areas safer for agricultural use. Ultimately, its environmentally sustainable production from organic waste aligns with circular economy principles, making biochar a promising tool for remediation efforts in heavy metal-contaminated environments.

Exposure to heavy metals such as cadmium (Cd) and chromium (Cr) can have detrimental effects on plant growth and development. Biochar has been proven to reduce cadmium and chromium concentrations in spinach shoots and roots through the adsorption capacity of biochar. It means that biochar has a high surface area and porous structure, which allows it to adsorb heavy metals from the soil and immobilize them. Also, biochar can enhance plant defense mechanisms against heavy metal stress by increasing antioxidant enzyme activities and reducing oxidative stress. By mitigating oxidative damage to plant cells, the increased enzymatic activity can promote the growth and development of plants. Exposure to heavy metals can cause a decrease in chlorophyll content, stomatal conductance (opening and closing of stomata), and photosynthetic efficiency also transpiration rate. Using biochar can help mitigate these negative effects.

Biochar stands as an eco-friendly solution with multifaceted benefits, particularly in agriculture. Derived from organic waste materials like agricultural residues or wood scraps, biochar not only repurposes these resources but also mitigates environmental harm that could arise from their disposal. Its introduction into agricultural practices offers a range of eco-friendly applications. By enhancing soil health through improved structure, increased water retention, and heightened microbial activity, biochar fosters sustainable farming while reducing reliance on synthetic fertilizers. Moreover, its carbon-rich composition enables effective carbon sequestration, aiding in climate change mitigation by trapping carbon dioxide in the soil. This process not only lessens greenhouse gas emissions but also contributes to long-term soil fertility. Furthermore, biochar's ability to remediate contaminated lands by immobilizing toxins and heavy metals underscores its eco-friendly nature, offering a sustainable approach to environmental restoration. Additionally, its versatility extends to water filtration, where its porous structure aids in purifying water sources. Ultimately, biochar emerges as an eco-friendly tool, fostering sustainable agriculture, waste management, carbon sequestration, and environmental remediation, aligning its applications with broader eco-conscious initiatives.

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