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Filsafat Pilihan

God as Our Provider and Protector

8 November 2024   06:32 Diperbarui: 8 November 2024   06:56 97
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Embracing God as Our Shepherd 

In a world that often celebrates self-sufficiency and independence, Psalm 23 begins by establishing God as our Shepherd, the ultimate source of guidance and provision. 

This verse challenges the common mindset of relying solely on personal effort and material gain to achieve security and fulfillment.

It reminds us that true contentment comes from acknowledging God as our leader, the one who leads us toward what we truly need---spiritual fulfillment and eternal peace.

For many, self-reliance is seen as a virtue, yet this passage invites us to reconsider this view. By surrendering our anxieties and trusting in God's direction, we open ourselves to a life where the burdens of striving for control and perfection are lifted. 

God's leadership is not one of oppression, but of care and loving guidance, offering a deep sense of peace and security that cannot be found in self-effort alone.

Finding Peace Amid Life's Demands: Green Pastures and Still Waters

Psalm 23:2 depicts a beautiful scene of God leading His followers to green pastures and still waters. These images symbolize peace and rest---qualities that are often elusive in today's fast-paced, achievement-driven society. 

In a world where stress, anxiety, and busyness dominate our lives, the metaphor of green pastures and still waters serves as a reminder of the peace that can only be found in God's presence. 

The stillness of these waters and the lushness of the pastures reflect a tranquility that surpasses all understanding, something that the hustle and bustle of modern life cannot offer.

Today, many people struggle to find moments of rest or peace. The pressure to constantly perform and keep up with expectations can make it hard to pause and truly rest. 

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