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"When you stop learning, you stop growing" - Karlie Kloss




The Annual Emergence of Informal Economic Actors

31 Desember 2015   12:22 Diperbarui: 31 Desember 2015   14:52 11
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Ekonomi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Caruizp

New Year is getting closer. Some are still busy working and have no plan to go. Yet, others have already planned special occasion with their love ones. Though the uproarious new year, there are some actors who are busy in earning pennies by the coming of annual celebration. This paper aims to elaborate the forgotten actors within New Year euphoria.

The Glittery Stuff Sellers
Informal actors appear to crave for pennies every New Year celebration. The thirst of fluctuated economic resource needs to be fulfilled. Thus, New Year comes as another path in welcoming year of the monkey in Chinese horoscope.
These actors define the New Year celebration as a period to earn money. The New Year celebration has generated them to provide the gleeful stuffs. Trumpet and the glittery stuffs reflect the happiness in greeting the 1st January.
The trumpet and glittery stuff sellers are easy to be found thru every corner of the city. Normally, these actors have been selling the celebration stuffs a week before the 31st December itself. Hereafter, these actors have predicted the length of time in selling the glittery stuffs.

The Informal Actors
This annual emergence of New Year phenomena reflects the definition of informal actor within the economic activity. Some researchers, such as Papola (1980), break down the definition of informal actor into some points. The small size of operation reflects the not-normative structure for the business. Moreover, this informal structure, usually, let the family member to join within the process.
Taking a deep attention the process, the production of the stuffs doesn’t need any technology. Some use the paper waste for the inner part which are wrapped with the glittery paper.

Talking about the relation among the informal actors, the market of these stuffs is quite competitive. This phenomenon is reflected thru the practical field. It is easily found that there are some the glittery stuff sellers along the main city street.

On the other hand, the government access is limited in organizing the practical field. The formal logic has a different mechanism thru the formal path. In addition, the government access to the practical field of informal economic activity affects the pattern of labor market. Due to the different flow of formal and informal, the annual emergence of informal labor is not formally protected by the government.

In conclusion, the New Year celebration has defined as a new informal economic resource. By providing the glittery stuffs, the author had tried to elaborate it as an annual emergence of informal economic activity. Due to the informal economic concept offered by the researcher, this paper had reflected the concept to the practical field.

Papola, T. S. 1980. Informal Sector: Concept and Policy. Economic and Political Weekly. Vol. 15. No. 8. Pp. 817-824
Nuzula Ichwanun Nabila
31st December 2015

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