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Reducing The Waste Stream

26 Desember 2009   12:10 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   18:46 102
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  1. Reduce the waste that produced in the first place
  2. Reuse the items before become waste
  3. Recycle
  4. Treatment of wasted materials
  5. Incineration

Ad 1.

Reduce means decreasing the amount of total waste by steps such as buying only the amount those are needed and persuading manufacturers to reduce the amount of packaging they use.

During the past 35 years, the amount of waste each person creates has almost doubled from 2.7 to 4.4 pounds per day.

Ad2 .

Reuse is using an item more than once.

This includes conventional reuse where the item is used again for the same function, and new-life reuse where it is used for a new function.

It eliminates waste, reduces waste disposal costs, and conserves energy and materials.


  1. Energy and raw materials savings as replacing many single use products with one reusable one reduces the number that need to be manufactured.
  2. Reduced disposal needs and costs
  3. Refurbishment can bring sophisticated, sustainable, well paid jobs to underdeveloped economies
  4. Savings cost for business and consumers as a reusable product is often cheaper than the many single use products it replaces

Make some older items were better handcrafted and appreciate in value


  1. Requires cleaning or transport thus have environmental costs.
  2. Some items such as Freon appliances or infant auto seats could be hazardous or less energy efficient.
  3. Reusable products need to be more durable than single use products.
  4. Sorting and preparing items for reuse takes time.this is inconvenient for consumers and costs money for businesses.


Recycling is the processes of collecting, processing, remanufacturing, and reusing materials instead of discarding them.

Helps conserve raw materials and energy that manufacturers would otherwise use in producing new products.

Reduces the amount of material going into landfills.

Lessen the pollution that may result from waste disposal.

Recycle materials and the step taken before throw :

Paper and cardboard:

- Flatten cardboard boxes before dropping them off.

- Try to separate white office paper from magazines

and newspapers.

- Find out where to drop off paper and cardboard.

Cans (drink and food cans):

- Rinse them out

- Squash them if possible to save space (after rinsing)

- Find out where to drop off cans.

Glass (bottles and jars):

- Rinse them out

- Find out where to drop off glass.


- Rinse out plastic bottles/tubs

- Look for a symbol like this on your plastic bottle, tub

or bag:

- The number inside the symbol indicates the type of


All those materials that have been recycling consist of their bin. Plastics, glass and paper need to dump into their bin.


Waste treatment refers to the activities required to ensure that waste has the least practicable impact on the environment.

Treatment of the wasted materials may divided into three which are solid, water and radioactive.

The treatment of solid wastes is a key component of waste management.

Different forms of solid waste treatment are graded in the waste hierarchy.

The waste hierarchy refers to the 3 Rs of reduce, reuse and recycle, which classify waste management strategies according to their desirability

Water waste treatment may divided into three which are agriculture, industrial waste water and sewage treatment

Agricultural wastewater treatment is treatment and disposal of liquid animal waste, pesticide residues from agriculture.

Industrial wastewater treatment is the treatment of wet wastes from manufacturing industry and commerce including mining, quarrying and heavy industries.

Radioactive wastes are waste types containing radioactive chemical elements that do not have a practical purpose.

They are sometimes the products of nuclear processes, such as nuclear fission.

However, industries not directly connected to the nuclear industry can produce large quantities of radioactive waste.

Incineration is a waste treatment technology that involves the combustion of organic materials and/or substances.

Incineration and other high temperature waste treatment systems are described as "thermal treatment".

Incineration of waste materials converts the waste into incinerator bottom ash, flue gases, particulates, and heat, which can in turn be used to generate electric power.

Furniture factory sawdust incinerators need much attention as these have to handle resin powder and many flammable substances.

Controlled combustion, burn back prevention systems are very essential as dust when suspended resembles the fire catch phenomenon of any liquid petroleum gas

The typical incineration plant for municipal solid waste is a moving grate incinerator.

vThe moving grate enables the movement of waste through the combustion chamber to be optimised to allow a more efficient and complete combustion.

vA single moving grate boiler can handle up to 35 tonnes of waste per hour, and can operate 8,000 hours per year with only one scheduled stop for inspection and maintenance of about one month's duration.


Toxic waste is waste material, often in chemical form, which can cause death or injury to living creatures

Usually the product of industry or commerce, but comes also from residential use, agriculture, the military, medical facilities, radioactive sources

Term is often used interchangeably with “hazardous waste,” or discarded material that can pose a long-term risk to health or environment.

Often used interchangeably with “hazardous waste,” or discarded material that can pose a long-term risk to health or environment.

Hazardous waste comprises all toxic chemicals, radioactive materials, and biologic or infectious waste.

Most hazardous waste results from industrial processes that yield unwanted byproducts, defective products, and spilled materials.

The generation and disposal of hazardous wastes is controlled through a variety of international and national regulations.

Wastes are listed as hazardous because they are known to be harmful to human health and the environment when not properly managed

1. Ignitable

Ignitable wastes can create fire under certain conditions (e.g., temperature, pressure) or are spontaneously combustible. Examples include certain used paints, degreasers, oils and solvents.

2. Corrosive

Corrosive wastes are acids or bases that are capable of corroding metal, such as storage tanks, containers, drums, and barrels. Examples include rust removers, acid or alkaline cleaning fluids, and battery acid.

3. Reactive

Reactive wastes are unstable and explode or produce toxic fumes, gases, and vapors when mixed with water. Examples include lithium-sulfide batteries and explosives.

4. Toxic

Toxic wastes are harmful or fatal when ingested or absorbed, or leach toxic chemicals into the soil or groundwater when disposed of on land. Examples include wastes that contain high concentrations of heavy metals, such as cadmium, lead, or mercury.

Certain compounds are exempt from regulation of hazardous waste if they are accumulated in less than 1kg (2.2 lbs) of commercial chemicals or 100kg of contaminated soil, water or debris.

Even larger amounts (1000kg) are exempt when stored at an approved waste treatment facility for the purpose of being beneficially used, recycled, reclaimed, detoxified or destroyed.


Hazardous waste is ignitable, corrosive, or reactive (explosive). Waste that exceeds certain amounts of toxic chemicals is considered hazardous. The USEPA defined 500 specific wastes as hazardous. These include heavy metals like lead and mercury, radioactive substances including highly toxic radionuclides like plutonium-239, or organic chemicals with toxic properties, like the heavily chlorinated hydrocarbon DDT (McCarthy, 2001).

Hazardous waste management is a rapidly developing industry full of experimentation and innovation. This innovation is being driven by the need for effective and economical processes for reclaiming, treating, or destroying wastes rather than landfilling them without treatment. A hierarchy of general waste management options can be constructed. The most desirable option is source reduction through process modification (Combs 1989; Blackman, 2001).

Hazardous waste management options and priorities

Source reduction (process modification)

Separation and volume reduction

Exchange / sale as raw materials

Energy recovery


Source ultimate disposal (landfill)

Source: Combs (1989); Blackman, (2001).

In situ biodegradation or biological treatment of industrial wastewaters is usually accomplished in bioreactors and can effectively remove organic pollutants in wastewaters having low-to-moderate concentrations of simple organic compounds and lower concentrations of complex organics. The biota are generally less effective in attacking mineral or heavy metal constituents, but in carefully controlled conditions, can be usefully employed (Alexander, 1999 ; Blackman, 2001 ).

Physical treatment processes

gas cleaning

mechanical collection

electrostatic precipitation

fabric filter

wet scrubbing

liquid-solids separation










removal of specific components








reverse osmosis

solvent extraction


Chemical treatment processes


chemical oxidation

chemical reduction

wed oxidation

ion exchange


chemical fixation and solidification


Biological treatment processes

aerobic systems

anaerobic systems

activated sludge

spray irrigation

tricking filters

waste stabilization ponds

rotating bio contactors

Thermal treatment processes




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