Until today, we sadly still see some of us admire western culture, politics, economy, and their "survey" too much. It seems that anything seen, commented, and surveyed by western people must be correct and impossible to be mistaken. Western people are "God" who can rule this world perfectly by using any system they made. Asia and Africa people are only inferior nations that can be fooled easily and systematically.Â
No country or nation is perfect. It's impossible to point out any country or nation with zero percentage of error. Yeah... there must be "error" in some Asian and African countries in managing their nations. But does it mean western or advance countries have no error at all and succeed in making "heaven or earth" countries? Isn't there any structural crime or mismanagement in advance countries? Is everyone in western country must be genius and perfect?Â
I might wrong, but overrating western people and media too much can be very dangerous. Our mentality in developing countries can tragically be brought down easily. We then feel like nothing we've made is correct. We are loser nations, we are forever "slave" of western media and cultural system, etc. Sad.Â
I'm not an expert in anything. As a normal person, I just try to be balance in seeing things. Some of western point of views are good. But let's not underrated ourselves by thinking that we must always be in "wrong position" in global society. We can never surpass western people's intelligence, etc. At the same time, we certainly must evaluate ourseves too. It's better for us to make self-correction rather waiting other people point it out our mistakes for us. Peace.Â
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