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Nurseta Bramadi Mohon Tunggu... Wiraswasta

Introvert penggemar musik metal dan game PC. Punya filsafat pribadi, tapi agama di KTP: Buddha. Pernah mengajar bahasa Inggris di LPIA (Lembaga Pendidikan Indonesia Amerika) cabang Jakarta dan Bekasi tahun 2008-2018.




Blogging and Metal Music

26 November 2024   11:14 Diperbarui: 26 November 2024   13:19 34
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Kompasiana adalah platform blog. Konten ini menjadi tanggung jawab bloger dan tidak mewakili pandangan redaksi Kompas.
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Lyfe. Sumber ilustrasi: FREEPIK/8photo

OK, this is my blog using cellphone. I usually write blog using PC, but my PC is broken now and needs service and upgraded. To be honest, it's not easy blogging by cellphone.  The monitor is very small and so is the keypad. I often mistype using cellphone...haha.  

So, it means I have 2 profiles in Kompasiana now under my name. At first, I didn't have any plan to be like that. When I open my cellphone and Kompasiana platform, there's a note that I have to register first. That's weird because I already registered and login since July 2023. How come my old profile didn't appear? 

Well...maybe we should get over it. As we know, technology --including internet-- is sometimes very confusing and silly. That's why I don't like internet too much. 

I like blogging. But, I like metal music better...haha. Blogging needs to be focus and serious, while listening to metal music is relaxing and reducing stress. However, I'm not a fanatic fan of metal music. I always consider myself as a moderate fan.  

I write blog simply to express my ideas and feelings. The topics are mainly very simple...about life style or social culture. Anyway, I also read other bloggers works in Kompasiana and send a short comment. I'm not perfect. I just want to enjoy life in simple way. That's all. Peace.

Follow Instagram @kompasianacom juga Tiktok @kompasiana biar nggak ketinggalan event seru komunitas dan tips dapat cuan dari Kompasiana. Baca juga cerita inspiratif langsung dari smartphone kamu dengan bergabung di WhatsApp Channel Kompasiana di SINI

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