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"Global Warming? Let's Make It Better"

20 Maret 2018   05:46 Diperbarui: 20 Maret 2018   06:11 222
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Whether the world become hotter? Or whether it become old? Many people have their own argument, but scientist agree that our world is not comfort than before. Our world becoming hot and not comfort anymore because of the global warming. 

Global warming is something that have so many bad impacts to our world. Some of the bad impact are climate change, disaster happened more frequently, increasing sea level, some type of the animal becoming extinct, etc. Absolutely we are as human will feel many bad impacts too. So, to save our next generation, we should save our world. There are two major way to save our world. First, we should know the major cause of global warming. Then, after that we should know the solution for this problem.

As the step to solve the global warming, first, we should know the major cause of the global warming. Global warming happened because of the UV ray that already reflected to the space is trapped in our atmosphere. 

Because the UV ray trapped in our atmosphere it made many bad impacts that already said before. Why the UV ray trapped in the atmosphere? It is because of the pollutant. The pollutant that resulted from human activity are stay in the atmosphere. When the UV ray going to space through the atmosphere, the pollutant absorbed the UV ray then the UV ray trapped there. 

So, the major cause is not from the UV ray but from the pollutant. Then, the pollutant was formed factory activity, motor vehicle that use fossil fuel, etc. Not just that, trees as the absorber of the pollutant are being cut down and it will make the pollutant level increase. Those are the major causes of global warming.

We already know the causes of global warming, so, the thing that we should do know are to solve it. How we solve this problem? There are so many ways to solve it. First, we should do the simplest thing first, what it is? It is use the public transportation. 

Why? It is because if we use public transportation it will inspire other people to use public transportation too, then, automatically it will decrease the production of carbon dioxide and other pollutions because no one use motor vehicle that use fossil fuels anymore. 

The second thing that we should do are plant the trees. If we plant the trees and grow it, the trees will be the absorber of carbon dioxide and other pollution so it will decrease the pollution. And the third is do reforestation in our area, if we do that it means we already care for world's lungs.

So, from what we have talk about, we can conclude that the major causes of global warming are the pollutant that produced by human. To solve global warming, it means we should decrease producing the pollutant and decrease the pollutant in the air. 

To do that we have to do some way which are prevent use motor vehicle, use the public transportation, plant the trees, and do reforestation. If we do that, hopefully we can make our world better than now. After we make it better do not forget to take care it and remind our friend to care with our lovely world. Love your health, love your world.

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