Membangun Masa Depan Melalui Sistem Pendidikan Indonesia: MengatasiTantangan, Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran, dan Mencapai Tujuan Pendidikan
Nabilah 1,Nur reski amaliah2 , Nur mutiani3
Program StudiPendidikanAgama Islam,FakultasTarbiyah,Institute Agama Islam Negeri Parepare
Integrated learning is a teaching approach that combines multiple subjects into a single lesson, acknowledging the interconnectedness and relationships between different subject areas. In order to explore the implementation of integrated learning and its impact on the quality of education, a systematic literature review was conducted, focusing on 94 scientific articles published within the last 10 years. The search process involved specific inclusion and exclusion criteria, concentrating on keywords such as "implementation of integrated learning," "integrated learning," and "increasing the quality of learning."The findings of this study indicate that the implementation of integrated learning can be effectively achieved through the application of innovative learning models. By incorporating various flexible and adaptable learning approaches, integrated learning encourages active participation from learners, enabling them to construct knowledge. This integration of subjects not only enhances the learning experience but also fosters a deeper understanding of the interrelationships between different disciplines.
In conclusion, the implementation of integrated learning offers a promising approach to improve the quality of education. By incorporating innovative learning models, students are provided with opportunities for active engagement and a more holistic understanding of various subjects. The findings of this study emphasize the significance of integrating different disciplines to create meaningful and effective learning experie