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Declining Ecological Carrying Capacity in Jatiluhur Reservoir: Challenges and Policy Recommendations (Policy Brief)

31 Juli 2024   18:52 Diperbarui: 31 Juli 2024   18:54 37
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

Need for Clear Regulations and Guidelines

The study further indicates that the management of KJA in Jatiluhur Reservoir requires clear regulations and good guidelines from relevant authorities, such as the Department of Livestock and Fisheries of Purwakarta Regency and Perum Jasa Tirta II. Clear regulations are needed to regulate the number and distribution of KJA, ensure sustainable farming practices, and minimize negative environmental impacts. Good guidelines will also help fish farmers understand and implement environmentally friendly and efficient farming techniques, thereby supporting the economic and ecological sustainability of the reservoir.

Transaction Costs of Reservoir and KJA Management

The study also reveals that the transaction costs incurred by the local government to manage the reservoir and KJA reach IDR 689,400,000 per year. These costs include various management activities, including training fish farmers, monitoring farming activities, and developing the fisheries business. Investment in training and development is important to ensure that fish farmers have the knowledge and skills needed to manage KJA sustainably. Additionally, these costs also include efforts to monitor water quality and the health of the reservoir ecosystem, which are essential to prevent and address pollution issues and ensure that fish farming activities do not harm the environment.

Policy Recommendations

  1. Establishment of Maximum KJA Limits Setting a maximum number of KJA in accordance with the reservoir's ecological carrying capacity to prevent water quality degradation is crucial. This limit should be based on comprehensive scientific studies and take into account various ecological factors, such as the natural water filtration capacity of the reservoir and the ecosystem's ability to recycle nutrients. This regulation should also be accompanied by effective monitoring mechanisms to ensure compliance by fish farmers.
  2. Enhanced Supervision and Law Enforcement Strengthening supervision and law enforcement against violations of the maximum number of KJA and fishery waste management is critical to maintaining reservoir water quality. Effective supervision can be carried out by increasing the capacity of supervisory institutions and using monitoring technologies, such as drones and water quality sensors. Strict law enforcement against violations must also be applied to provide a deterrent effect and ensure that all fish farmers adhere to the prevailing rules.
  3. Education and Training Providing education and training to fish farmers on environmentally friendly and sustainable fish farming practices can increase their awareness and skills. These training programs should cover waste management methods, efficient farming techniques, and understanding the environmental impacts of farming activities. Furthermore, training should be held regularly to ensure that fish farmers always get the latest information and the best techniques in fish farming.
  4. Development of Aquaculture Technology Promoting the use of more efficient and environmentally friendly aquaculture technologies can help reduce the negative impacts on the reservoir ecosystem. These technologies may include better water management systems, more efficient fish feed, and farming techniques that minimize waste. The government and related parties need to support the research and development of these technologies and provide incentives for fish farmers who apply environmentally friendly technologies.
  5. Collaboration Among Stakeholders Enhancing coordination between the government, non-governmental organizations, and local communities for effective and sustainable joint management is essential. This collaboration can be carried out through the establishment of regular communication forums, development of cooperation programs, and clear division of responsibilities. By involving all related parties, reservoir management can be carried out more comprehensively and sustainably, and create a sense of shared responsibility in preserving the reservoir ecosystem.


The decline in the ecological carrying capacity of Jatiluhur Reservoir due to the uncontrolled increase in the number of KJA requires serious attention and immediate action. Establishing a maximum limit on the number of KJA in accordance with the reservoir's capacity, enhancing supervision and law enforcement, and providing education and training to fish farmers on sustainable farming practices are essential to maintain water quality and the reservoir ecosystem. Additionally, the development and application of efficient and environmentally friendly aquaculture technologies should be encouraged to reduce negative environmental impacts. Strong collaboration among various stakeholders is needed to achieve effective and sustainable reservoir management. Through this holistic and comprehensive approach, it is expected that Jatiluhur Reservoir can continue to provide economic benefits to the surrounding community without compromising its ecological balance.


Fitri, N. & Hidayat, A. (2017). Carrying capacity and institutional analysis of floating net cages in Jatiluhur Reservoir. Journal Sustinere, 1(1), 37-47.

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