Mohon tunggu...
Nurina Ayuningtyas
Nurina Ayuningtyas Mohon Tunggu... -





The Time

2 Februari 2014   16:20 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   02:14 21
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Puisi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/

When the time is come,
I will remember our journey.
From the first time i met you,
The time when we talked and shared our dreams,
The time when we hugged and kissed deeply,
Until we let each other go.


When the time is come,
I will memorized your beautiful smile,
Your voice when you called my name,
Your soft skin and gentle touch,
And also i will memorized when you cried,
When you cannot look me in the eyes,
When you turn your back on me and walk away.


When the time is come,
I will not forget the happiness that you brought into my life,
All the love you gave,
All the perfect moment with you.
And i will not forget the sadness i felt when your gone,
All the pain in my heart when it turns into pieces,
The taste of my tears,
The emptiness and coldness felt when you are not here.


When the time is come,
Will i be ready to lose you?
To not have you in my every day,
To be alone, in silent,
Feel torture,
Heart broken.
Will i be survive,
and be able to stand back again without you?


Now, i am closing my eyes,
Holding my tears,
And waiting for the time to come...

Mohon tunggu...

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