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Homeschooling, Is It Good?

21 Juli 2023   13:30 Diperbarui: 21 Juli 2023   13:36 56
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Nowadays, homeschooling is becoming more popular. Many parents and children choose this kind of education. Yet, until now, homeschooling still has its pros and cons, because not all parents agree with this kind of education.

Here are some reasons why some parents and children are choosing this kind of education. First, children who have homeschooling as their educational program can choose what and when they want to study. They also do not need to think too much about their homework. Second, cigarettes, drugs, brawl, and free sex are what parents are afraid of. Parents cannot watch their children all the time and with homeschooling parents can prevent these negative effects which come from common school. Third, it can make the family bond stronger. Generally, teens are in the age of liberation and destructiveness. This effect can be reduced once they attend homeschooling.

On the other hand, some people argue that homeschooling is not that good. First, there will be no interaction with people their age. It is the one that will give them precious experiences to learn about social life. Second, there will be no competition. Children cannot compare their skill with the other children. They will not know if their skill is higher or lower than the other children. Third, homeschooling costs more money than the common school. It is not recommended for parents who have just started their career.

Although homeschooling brings easiness for children and decreases parents’ worry. It costs more money and it can affect children’s way of thinking towards the outside life. I think, if homeschooling is not that needed, common school should be the one you choose for your children’s education.

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