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Nur Aisyah Maharani
Nur Aisyah Maharani Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Saya Mahasiswa Universitas Darussalam Gontor

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Ilmu Sosbud

Journal Review Of Geographic Information System Of Flow Mapping Batinan In Pudak District, Ponorogo Regency Website-Based

11 Agustus 2024   15:00 Diperbarui: 11 Agustus 2024   15:06 56
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Reviewer: Nur Aisyah Maharani

Dosen Pengampu: Al-Ustadz Taufiqurrahman


At this time, I’ll reviewing the journal by the titled "Geographic Information System Of Flow Mapping Batinan In Pudak District, Ponorogo Regency Website-Based". The paper focuses on the development and evaluation of a geographic information system (GIS) website to map spiritual movements in Pudak District, Ponorogo Regency. The authors from this journal are: Ahmad Fauzan, Faisal Reza Pradhana, and Taufiqurrahman.


The introduction highlights the importance of mapping spiritual movements in Indonesia, particularly in Ponorogo Regency, which is known for its diverse spiritual practices. The current method of tracking these movements is limited, often relying on printed materials and local knowledge. To address this issue, the authors developed a GIS website using the waterfall model and Word Press. The website was tested for functionality and user satisfaction, achieving positive results.


The evaluation section provides detailed insights into the development process and testing of the GIS website. The authors used a black-box testing method to ensure the website's functionality. The website was tested on various devices, demonstrating its compatibility and usability. The results showed that the website was effective, with an average score of 89.3% from a user satisfaction survey.

Critical Analysis

I agree with this geographic information system. Because the authors could have explored more diverse user feedback to ensure broader usability and could be further enriched with additional resources and interactive features to enhance engagement. However, the authors should consider scalability and accessibility for a broader audience, including those with limited access to technology.


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