Saya menerjemahkan topik tentang dialektologi dari Bahasa Indonesia ke dalam Bahasa inggris dari website WikipediaÂ
Dialectology is a branch of linguistics that studies dialects or language variation within a given community. The field examines language variation based on geographical distribution displayed through language maps and includes topics such as the bifurcation of two local dialects of the same parent language and synchronic variation. In other words, dialectology specifically studies language variations in all their aspects."[1] Dialectology examines elements of grammar, lexicon, and phonology in a particular region.
Dialectology is then divided into two sub-branches namely dialect geography and sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics studies language variation based on societal patterns. In other words, sociolinguistics studies the co-variation between linguistic structure and social structure. Dialect geography, on the other hand, studies language variations based on local differences within a language area. In other words, dialect geography reveals facts about the expansion of linguistic features that are now recorded as dialect features.
This field is not only concerned with people who have lived in an area for generations, but also immigrant groups who bring their language to a new area (language contact). The contact of another language or dialect with the language or dialect of a language-using area makes languages have various variations. People in an area always have their own language or dialect as their group identity. The language or dialect has characteristics that are different from languages or dialects that exist in other regions or communities in general. The difference occurs due to the geographical conditions of the area where a language or dialect is directly adjacent to the area where another language or dialect is spoken. In linguistics, these variations are referred to as lexical variations.
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