A: The more modern the world, the more rational the people are. We tend to think in more logical way now. Everything must be concrete and able to be observed. Something abstract is no longer interesting and reliable. Does it mean this is the end of religious pray?
B: No. People usually still pray to calm their down and find peace of mind. To make changes become reality, we absolutely must take concrete actions.
A: Some atheist people around the world are successful with their career even though they never pray to God. How do you see this interesting fact?
B: Karma works in universal way regardless a person's religion or belief. If you do good, it will come back to you in unexpected way. It's called cause and effect law. It's very relevant with modern world. I didn't mean to "promote" Buddhism here. It would be so immature. It's just a simple fact.Â
A: If so, how come there're still many poor people in Buddhist countries?
B: Poverty already becomes a global issue. There're poor people everywhere in every religion. We must check other instruments too what make poverty appears in society. Is the economic system fair? Is the government clean and reliable? Etc.
A: So, we must create law or social system that could bring justice to everyone? In that case, we basically don't need "supreme power" or God. We just need being fair, reliable, and professional to improve people's welfare.Â
B: Be careful to jump into that conclusion. Some people still have strong belief in God, even in most modern society. I mean, let's put this "God thing" as individual interest. To make a better social and economic system, we definitely need to work hard and take concrete actions...not just pray and wait. It's OK if you disagree with me. It's just my humble opinion.Â
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