Mohon tunggu...
Nur Seta Bramadi
Nur Seta Bramadi Mohon Tunggu... Book writer and former English teacher in LPIA Jakarta and Bekasi (2008-2018)

A simple man who likes writing, blogging, playing PC game, watching movie, and listening to music. Teaching English in Jakarta and Bekasi (2008-2018). My books: Filateli Sebagai Hobi dan Investasi (Balai Pustaka, 2001), Kursus Singkat Bahasa Inggris (BIP, 2011), Kursus Singkat Percakapan Bahasa Inggris (BIP, 2013), Kursus Singkat Bahasa Inggris Bisnis (BIP, 2016), and Percakapan Inggris-Indonesia Bidang Perawat dan Rumah Sakit (BIP, 2021). Got a diploma in graphic design (1993). Writing blog in English or Indonesian. Born and live in Jakarta. No one is perfect. Stay humble.




(Short Conversation) Let's Fly Across Universe

1 Januari 2025   20:19 Diperbarui: 1 Januari 2025   20:19 39
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Sumber gambar: UE / Universal Energy

A: I saw a poster on your wall about planets or astronomy. Why is that? You're not a science teacher or an astronaut. Are you bored of living on earth, bro? Haha...

B: No, man. Looking at the sky is very interesting. It can make us realize that our existence is actually very small. In the same time, we can also think big and boost our spirit up. 

A: I'm confused. We have been friends for so long. But, there're times that I wonder whether you are a scientist, philosopher, or a writer... haha. 

B: Just have an open mind, man. Thinking wide and big is good for our mind, soul, and logical thinking. We then can avoid of getting trapped in this material world. I'm sure there're many other people like me... who like to imagine being able flying across universe.

A: Yeah... I'm sure there're many other people like that. No wonder you like science fiction movies like Star Wars, Star Trek, Predator, Aliens, or The Avengers. Am I right?

B: Not totally right. I don't like Men In Black movies... haha. OK, back to "cosmology" thing, I'm sure there're many other living creature out there across universe. These creatures or aliens might be only in bacteria form.

A: How about UFO? Ever heard about humanoid aliens? What are their religion? Is it possible for us to fly at the speed of light? I heard it's impossible and against law of physics. 

B: UFO might be true. We just don't have concrete evidence yet. Yes, I ever heard about humanoid aliens. They look like earth human, only with much higher intelligence and technology. I don't know if they have any religion. Maybe they just do meditation like Buddhist? Haha... just kidding, man. OK, in short, looking at the sky can bring peace to my mind. That's why I like it.

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