Mohon tunggu...
Nur Seta Bramadi
Nur Seta Bramadi Mohon Tunggu... Wiraswasta - Book writer and former English teacher in LPIA Jakarta and Bekasi (2008-2018)

I'm just a simple man who likes writing, blogging, playing PC game, watching movie, and listening to music. I had an experience in teaching English in Jakarta and Bekasi (2008-2018). My books: Filateli Sebagai Hobi dan Investasi (Balai Pustaka, 2001), Kursus Singkat Bahasa Inggris (BIP, 2011), Kursus Singkat Percakapan Bahasa Inggris (BIP, 2013), Kursus Singkat Bahasa Inggris Bisnis (BIP, 2016), and Percakapan Inggris-Indonesia Bidang Perawat dan Rumah Sakit (BIP, 2021). I had a diploma in graphic design from a School of Design in Jakarta (1993), but later changed my interest into English and literacy. Sometimes I write my blog in English or Indonesian. I was born and live in Jakarta. No one is perfect. Stay humble.




(Short Conversation) Some Rich and Poor Writers

17 Agustus 2024   14:13 Diperbarui: 17 Agustus 2024   14:16 40
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A: I heard writing in foreign countries can make us rich. Is that true?

B: I think it depends on the writers themselves. Can they manage their money? Are their works marketable? Etc.

A: You mean we can be a rich writer wherever we live?

B: Yes. In Indonesia, it might be difficult... but not impossible. Once again, it depends on the writer.

A: You've been a writer since 1992. Do you think you're already success?

B: Yeah... at least not bad. There're many worse writers around the world. I'm just happy what I am. Never compare to others.

A: Don't you want to be a public figure? Is being a celebrity not interesting to you?

B: I just want to express my feelings and opinion through writing. I don't care about being famous or not. 

A: How do you make money for a living? It's clear that you're not a very productive writer. No offense. 

B: I have a small business. I might be not a productive writer. I just hope I'm not a bad-attitude one... haha.

Mohon tunggu...

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