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How to Solve Indonesian Nutritional Problem?

6 Desember 2017   10:47 Diperbarui: 10 Agustus 2019   14:13 1779
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Ilustrasi Fruit and Vegetables (doc: Linkedln)

Go grocery shopping with our children, get them to help in writing a list or encourage them to choose a new fruit or vegetable to try. When at home, delegate specific kitchen tasks to involve our child in the meal preparation. Here we are  building a life-skill so be patient and encouraging! Cooking skills are associated with healthy eating since our child will be less reliant on packaged, processed foods.

 7. Make our own Smoothies:

Try fruit smoothies for a quick healthy breakfast or afternoon snack. Children can choose which fruits to include and a protein source.

 8. Experiment adding Vegetables and Fruits:

Get creative together and try adding vegetables and fruits to baked goods, meal items or salads in variety, because each offers different benefits. Children can enjoy adding fruits to salads or vegetables to omelets or home-made pizzas. One rule of thumb is to “eat the rainbow,” or try to eat fruits and vegetables of different colors.

More than enough vegetables to pick for our meals (dokpri)
More than enough vegetables to pick for our meals (dokpri)

 9. Make it convenient!

Keep lots of fresh fruit and vegetable washed and available for quick snacks. Also we could add to lunches or to include in our meals. Keep these foods available and visible to promote consumption. Apples, pears, bananas, grapes, carrot and celery sticks are all easy grab on the go. Remember to add yogurt, nut butter, or hummus for extra protein.

10. Persevere!

Don’t give up on providing healthy options, even if your child doesn’t eat them as often. They will be likely to develop a taste as they grow so continue to offer at every meal as well as healthy snack options. Children can also have treats as well.

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