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The Study of Anand Krishna’s Effort in Dealing with the Crucial Moment in His Life as Seen in His Soul Quest — Journey from Death to Immortality.

16 September 2010   04:30 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   13:12 204
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A Paper

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsTo Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

English Language Education Study Program Department of Language and Arts Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta 2008


Angkasa, Nugroho T. (2008). The Study of Anand Krishna’s Effort in Dealing withthe Crucial Moment in His Life as Seen in His Soul Quest — Journey from Death toImmortality. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Faculty ofTeachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

The subject of this paper is Anand Krishna, the main character of Soul Ouest - Journey from Death to Immortality. I am interested in analyzing this novel because it talked about the crucial moment of one’s life and how he or he dealt with that ultimate moment in his or her life.In order to do so, there are two questions to answer, namely, how Anand is portrayed and what kind of effort he has conducted in facing Leukemia.

I apply theory of Characterization, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Post colonialism, especially, Katresnanism. The novel is the primary source of the study. The secondary sources are taken from some references such as papers, textbooks and websites.

The findings of the study are as follows: First, as a Director and Shareholder of a Garment Factory in Jakarta Anand had almost everything. However, he still felt empty inside. Furthermore, in 1991, at 35, he was afraid and dying of cancer, the medical diagnosis showed Leukemia in critical stage. Then, Anand kept on running away from the fact; he was confused not knowing what he was looking for. It may be said that the effort he has conducted is actually the compensation of his lack of confidence. However, after a meeting with a Lama in Leh Himalaya India, he realized that birth and death were two sides of one single coin. This total acceptance brought realness and recovery from within.

Finally, this paper recommends the future researchers to examine the fighting spirit of Anand. This study also proposes to make use of the work as one of the materials in Reading class especially that of Intensive Reading.


Spirituality is essentially a journey within. In Anand Krishna’s opinion it needs no preparations, no luggage to carry - nothing absolutely. What we need is just: LOVE And this Love, can only come as an after effect of self-actualization achieved through the practice of meditative way of life.

Anand Krishna was a young man whom eager to gain wealth, possession and prestige. As a success businessman - Director and Shareholder of a Garment Factory in Jakarta - Anand had almost everything. However, he still felt empty inside. Then, he suffered from Leukemia in critical stage and faced a certain death.

Soul Ouest - Journey from Death to Immortality is Anand’ s first autobiographical novel. I choose this novel as the primary data of my paper because I am very interested in talking about the crucial moment of one’s life, in this case, Anand Krishna’s life.

The aim of this study is to see one’s efforts in dealing with his or her ultimate moment in his or her life as seen in Anand Krishna, the main character of Soul Ouest - Journey from Death to Immortality.

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