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Why You Have to Believe That Global Warming Is A Real Thing

19 Desember 2019   16:10 Diperbarui: 19 Desember 2019   16:31 81
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A lot of people still think that global warming is fake. They think global warming is a way of some companies to dominate the market. There are actually a lot of claims on why they think global warming is fake. In an interview done with Professor Mike Rogerson, Senior Lecturer and Convener of Geochemistry and Geobiology Group in University of Hull said that a lot of people do not trust the urgency of global warming because of the lack of scientific consensus.

The main problem for this is the fact that the society gets climate information from the media, not from scientists. The media, in an effort to seem unbiased, often line up one climate scientist against one denier to debate their point. However, that does not mean that the scientific community is split into 50/50 on climate change, actually, it is more like 97/3 (Humphry, no date).

It seems that the major of people have already been biased, which is hard to change since the media do not really help. It seems like that their eyes, mind and other senses have been closed already. Even though the real evidences of global warming are happening everywhere, it is hard to even make them budge.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) states that ocean waters melting the undersides of Antarctic ice shelves are responsible for most of the continent's ice shelf mass loss. Antarctic ice shelves lost 2,921 trillion pounds (1,325 trillion kilograms) of ice per year in 2003 to 2008 through basal melt, while iceberg formation accounted for 2,400 trillion pounds (1,089 trillion kilograms) of mass loss each year (Calvin, Harrington and Vinas-Garcia, 2013).

Basal melt can have a greater impact on ocean circulation than glacier calving, as changes in basal melting are helping to change the properties of Antarctic bottom water. It is one component of the ocean's overturning circulation. Also, in some areas, basal melting impacts ecosystems by driving coastal upwelling. This brings up micronutrients like iron that fuel persistent plankton blooms in the summer according to Stan Jacobs, an oceanographer at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, N.Y, stated (Calvin, Harrington and Vinas-Garcia, 2013).

The main reason for the warming of the Earth is from human's activities which change the natural greenhouse. Over the last century, the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil has resulted in the increasing of the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), in which it happens because the coal or oil burning process combines carbon with oxygen in the air to make CO2. Moreover, the clearing of land for agriculture, industry, and other human activities has also increased concentrations of greenhouse gases. (NASA, no date)

What are we supposed to do? First, you have to open your eyes and do whatever you can to contribute. Now I am talking about starting to use reusable straws and bottles, reduce your non-reusable plastic drastically, cut the usage of AC, non-biodegradable materials and every non-environment friendly material. There is no time for you to do baby step with this matter as this is a real critical issue.

Calvin, W., Harrington, J. . and Vinas-Garcia, M.-J. (2013) 'Warming ocean causing most Antarctic ice shelf mass loss', Global climate change, NASA. Available at:

Humphry, D. (no date) 'Why people still believe climate change is fake... and why we know they're wrong', (Global Warming). Available at:

NASA (no date) 'The Causes of Climate Change'. Available at:

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