Year End Session …
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
17.00 – 17.30
Dear All,
You’re invited to join our Year End Session to close the year 2010 with a management massage.
Looking forward to your participation …
Hari menjelang pergantian tahun baru, selaku karyawan kita di kumpulkan untuk mendengar speech dari pimpinan temapt aku bekerja.
Acara tahunan yang biasa diadakan Tim HRD.
Dan sore itu kurang lebih 150 an karyawan terkumpul dalam raung conference, berdiri dan agak berdesakan….tidak terllau konsentrasi mendengar speech dari MD apalagi aku berdiri diantara karyawan yang juga agak berdesakan karena telat datang.
Hanya saja sepintas aku dengar permintaan maaf dari MD (Manager Director) di kesempatan tutup tahun ini permintaan maafnya bila sepanjang tahun ini ada yang sakit hati dengan bentakan-bentakannya atau dengan perintah-perintahnya.
Hmmm, just it yang sempat terekam dan dengan semangatnya dia memohon maaf…
” Are you forgive me…” (hampir 3 ato 4 kali dia mengucaplkan kalimat ini).
Dan kulihat beberapa ada yang ketawa and senyum-senyum menyaksikan permintaan maaf nya….tapi sempat terdengar juga….siap juga untuk memarahi di 2011 lagi… : )
But btw masih dengan semangat Garuda di dada ku…karena beberapa jam lagi tim nas kita akan bertanding melawan Harimau Malay, dan hasilnya Menang 2 – 1 !!
Walau secara agregat kalah, tapi permainan dan dedicated Tim Nas harus diancungi jempol!
Acara diakhiri dengan hidangan traditional dari Piscok (Pisang coklat). Arem-arem,Soes basah, Lumpia, pastel dan berbagai soft drink.
Just say : Happy New Year and Have a Great Holiday !
Additional New Year’s Message From CEO
Dear fellow employees of Samsung Electronics,
Happy New Year!
Upon announcing Vision 2020 last year
we strengthened our global competitiveness
which allowed us to post the highest sales and profits
and become an undisputed leader in electronics.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you
for your efforts in achieving this goal.
As we look at the future business environment,
the global economic recovery is expected to slow down
as major world markets tighten spending.
This will hurt profitability across the electronics industry.
In addition, the market is experiencing a paradigm shift
with regards to software and competition between ecosystems
which could mean that a challenging year is ahead of us.
I would like to ask you to realize Vision 2020
ahead of schedule which will help us to lead the competition.
First, we must drive fundamental differentiation
to strengthen market leadership.
The Mobile Communications business
must lay the groundwork to become No.1
by creating the best smart phones.
We must increase 3D TV and Smart TV market share
by solidifying product leadership
and boosting cost competitiveness,
especially in emerging markets.
In Memory business, we must maintain the lead
in developing next generation memory technologies and beyond.
The LCD panel business,
which is currently experiencing a supply glut,
needs to secure an absolute advantage
via product differentiation and cost competitiveness.
The IT Solutions business needs to grow its volume
to become a major player.
System LSI needs to level up early on
with the extensive investment carried out.
The Digital Appliances business
needs more unique products and stronger global operations
to expand business and close the gap
with leading appliance makers.
On the B2B side,
the company as a whole
must nurture related talent and organizations,
and identify business opportunities.
Next, sustainable growth will be ensured
by sharpening future business capabilities
and stepping up efforts to identify and nurture
new sources of growth.
In a mobile and smart world,
we must focus on software, content, and solutions.
Usability and access to various applications
may also be enhanced by building a common platform
and an innovative user experience.
In addition, a solid business foundation
will be built early on for our new growth engine,
medical devices.
We will also secure the most competitive edge in solar cells.
To this aim, we must also
run an open and global system
to secure external technology, talent,
and other resources ahead of our competitors.
Lastly, we need to promote
risk management to address
a fast-changing business environment and increasing uncertainty.
We need to execute strategic investments
that are consistent with market changes.
From the initial stages of devising product concepts
to delivery of finished goods or services,
intra-company cooperation between set and components businesses
as well as functional teams like development, procurement,
manufacturing, and sales will maximize our unique strengths.
Internalize key processes and equipment,
develop new processes and methods
and create a production system unique to Samsung
that will provide a competitive advantage.
In addition, create value propositions based on
a win-win outcome for us and our suppliers
and ensure an environment of transparency
and trust for our customers.
2011 marks the second year of our new Vision,
and the start of a new decade.
Up until now,
we have preemptively moved in times of transition
and used it to take the next leap.
keep in mind that a moment of complacency
may cause irreparable damages.
As genuine leaders, be creative and vigilant
in leading the changes.
Fellow Samsung colleagues!
Last year was the year of Smartphones.
2011 will be a year of Smart TV.
Components like semiconductors and LCD panels
are also become smarter in accordance.
Fellow Samsung colleagues!
In the New Year,
Why don't we work Smarter
to become a Smarter Company?
Ladies and gentlemen,
In that spirit, shout out "Work Smart"
with me three times.
Work Smart! Work Smart! Work Smart!
Gee-Sung Choi Vice Chairman & CEO
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