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Noorhani Laksmi
Noorhani Laksmi Mohon Tunggu... Administrasi - writer, shadow teacher, Team Azkiya Publishing dan Sanggar Rumah Hijau, Admin Komunitas Easy Writing FB : Nenny Makmun




Good Bye: Farewell Note

2 November 2010   04:51 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   11:54 940
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Coretan utk farewell my frend :

Hampir 7 tahun aku bekerja dan silih berganti orang baru datang dan teman lama yang kita anggap seperjuangan pergi. Dan sudah 2 hari ini aku kehilangan teman lama yang memutuskan untuk menemukan kesempatan di lain tempat ….memang hal biasa…hanya saja aku ingin mengenang beberapa dari sekian banyak yang telah pergi dalam blog ku….mereka special…bagiku mereka yang berani pergi dan mempunyai keyakinan untuk lompat perlu di “appreciate”, sedangkan aku sendiri masih belum cukup mempunyai keberanian seperti mereka-mereka. Aku akui kadang seperti manusia aneh di antara orang-orang baru, hmmm keras kepala !! masih bertahan…perlu kilas balik…disaat aku memutuskan bekerja pada perusaahaan ini aku berjanji ini yang terakhir karena sudah beberapa kali aku loncat dimanapun sama selalu  “PLUS dan MINUS”.  Cukup melelahkan memang bila employee bukanlah asset, kejam kedengarannya tapi itu adanya … orang yang butuh pekerjaan itu banyak…tapi kok gitu ya ?? system orang lama (karyawan lama) dibuat tidak betah … biar resign sendirinya…perusahaan gak perlu kasih pesangon…ataukah tahan2an saja? ada paket atau pension dini….DISMOTIVATION sudah pasti!! Mo contribusi banyak ke PERUSAHAAN ? NO Way kayanya…

Parahnya ada istilah Tarif Baru dan Tarif Lama, hmmm bener2 loyalitas, senioritas tidak berlaku….orang baru datang dengan salary Tarif Baru  posisi sama tetapi  Gapok bisa 2 atau 3 kali lipat dari tariff lama….huaaaa…nangis gak sih….??? Hmmmm ….tapi ini lah adanya…rasanya posisi kita memang lemah, ditambah Manajer HRD aja gak betah silih berganti…atasan…silih berganti juga …gimana mo kasih nilai bagus? Tapi aku akui …gak peduli dan cuek bebek sajalah saat ini…wait and see…sementara yang bisa aku lakukan…just  DU IT sajalah   J Dear Colleagues, Today,  Tuesday 2nd Nov 2010 will be my last day. For all of you that I have worked with and met during my tenure, I would like to say good-bye and thank you for all of the cooperation, support, and friendships that we have already made. I am truly leaving here with mixed feelings; happy about my new career opportunity but sad to be leaving such a great company where I have so many wonderful friends and colleagues. Please keep in touch, and I can be reached at my personal email or my mobile phone. Again, thank you for your support over the years. I wish you all well in your future endeavors. Best regards, S Another NOTE : Dear All my Colleagues.... Having read numbers of farewell notes from our resigning colleagues, I have never thought that finally  tonight I am writing mine, my very own farewell note and this is not an HR announcement nor an event reminder  from my MySingle account as usual :) It is not an easy decision for me to decide to leave, but however, I have made up my mind to accept a challenge to take part in an important role of an HR function in a multinational sales company.  It's been a fabuluos five years contributing for the world electronics giant, and it's  indeed broaden my horizon in working for a global company. Office had given me its great opportunity to have me on board and provide me with valuable learnings - in organization and in my personal life. I'd rather to take my leave as a graduation from a great learning, instead of resignation. And take my chance to have a new learning experience. Thank you so much for all of your support, teamwork and most of all, friendship which all of you have extended to me,  during my terms at Office Indonesia.  There is nothing but an honest wish for continuous success for you in the future.As a friend, don't hesitate to call me, write me, ask me anything, shares your laughter & stories like you've always been.  I can be reached through my mobile numberor through my personal e-mail at any time. For HR related matters, I believe that my HR colleagues will be more than happy to assist you in all ways. Please keep in mind, that people grow though experience, if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built. So farewell my friends, until we meet again. God Bless Us AllWarmest Regards,SRR. Good Bye All My Frend...wish u all the best ... I hope we meet again on another great,warm&pride place  J Note on Jan 17, 2011 :

Dear All,

In this day I would like to say that today is my last day at PT. SEIN.

I Joined PT. Samsung Electronics Indonesia officially started in January 4th 1999. After 12 years of amazing journey, which had given me great opportunity to learn, to adapt work experienced, guidance & work pride, that enriched me with precious wisdom and friendship.

I would like to take this opportunity to let you know that working with you was one of the most wonderful & memorable phases of my life.

Thanks to friends from Branches & my sales team in Bandung for your strong support & being such a big family to me.

Thanks to the management who gave me trust and making my tenure at PT. SEIN so pleasing.

As a friend, please don’t hesitate to call me , write me and share your story with me . I can be reached through my mobile number : 0816xxxx or my personal e-mail :

Finally I wish you all good luck and best fortune.

Farewell my friends, until we meet again.

Best Regards


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