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Ilmu Sosbud

UKT Increase Causes Controversy Among the Community

4 Juni 2024   22:40 Diperbarui: 4 Juni 2024   22:59 102
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The issue of the increase in UKT and IPI in higher education has caused controversy among the public, especially students. The reason is that this increase is so high that it has doubled, which is very detrimental to the lower class of society and hampers students who want to continue studying at universities due to financial constraints.

The Ministry of Research and Technology issued Permendikbud Number 2 of 2024 on January 19, 2024, which regulates UKT at state universities within the scope of the Ministry of Research and Technology. The issuance of this Permendikbud led to several responses expressing disapproval from students. Finally, massive demonstrations took place at a number of leading state universities in Indonesia. Students voiced to cancel the UKT increase because it was considered very detrimental to students who would enter college. This action was initiated by Unhas students who gathered at the Unhas Rectorate and asked to immediately issue a Rector's Decree on the extension of UKT and UKT adjustment. After the demonstration by Unhas students, there were also massive demonstrations by students of Unsoed, Unnes, UNS, Unri, and UGM. The demonstrations were more or less the same, namely asking to reduce the UKT value which is soaring.

Previously, the Ministry of Education and Culture had stated that there was no increase in UKT, but there were additional UKT groups in several state universities. The addition of UKT groups is done with the aim of providing facilities to underprivileged students so that they can get education according to their abilities. The government has also regulated that in every state university there must be a minimum of 20 UKT groups one and two to ensure that underprivileged people still get access to higher education.

Actions carried out by students throughout Indonesia did not get any attention from their respective campuses. Finally, UNS Student President, Agung Lukita Pradita together with BEM SI came to Commission X of the House of Representatives to fight for their voices regarding the UKT and IPI fees that rose dramatically. They did this for the sake of the welfare of the community to get a decent education and in accordance with their respective economic conditions.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Sesditjen Dikti Ristek) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Tjijik Srie Tjahjandarie, believes that the increase in tuition fees at universities is a natural thing. Tjijik also said that higher education is tertiary and is not included in the category of compulsory education programs for Indonesians. Therefore, she said that high school graduates are not obliged to continue studying at the university level. He said that going to college is a choice, not a requirement. This statement certainly invited controversy from various parties. Some parties stated that education is the main thing to continue to be developed in this country of Indonesia.

In response to this increasingly heated issue, Commission X DPR RI held a meeting with the BEM SI alliance on Thursday, May 16, 2024. This meeting was a delivery of aspirations related to the increase in UKT and IPI which was widely discussed and caused controversy from the public. This meeting invited several related parties including Nadiem Makarim as the Minister of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Not only that, this meeting also invited the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Finance because they are related to the regional transfer process. Commission X of the House of Representatives also formed a Working Committee (Panja) whose task is to discuss whether the education budget of 20 percent of the state budget is on target or not as expected.

After the meeting held by Commission X of the House of Representatives, Nadiem said that the increase in UKT as a result of the Minister of Education, Culture and Research Regulation No. 2 of 2024 only applies to new students, not including students who have been studying at universities. According to him, many parties have a wrong perception of this regulation. In fact, he also emphasized that the UKT increase would not be applied to students with the lower middle economy.

On Monday, May 27, 2024 Nadiem Makarim finally announced that the UKT increase for the 2024/2025 academic year was legally canceled. This was announced after his meeting with Commission X of the House of Representatives and also the President of the Republic of Indonesia. The cancellation of UKT is based on the aspirations of students, families and communities who object to this new policy. Nadiem also reiterated that if there is an increase in UKT, it must be based on the principles of justice and fairness for the welfare of the community.

Responding to the above issues, from the perspective of students, the increase in UKT is certainly an unaffordable financial burden because the jump is very far from before, especially for families with lower middle economy. Many students eventually give up and choose to look for jobs because of this obstacle related to university entrance fees. They consider that the increase in UKT prevents them from achieving their dreams through proper higher education.

On the other hand, the government argues that the UKT increase is necessary to improve the quality of education and reduce the budget deficit. With the increasing operational costs of higher education, the UKT increase is a solution to ensure the continuation of quality higher education. However, behind this opinion, many people are worried because of the limited cost of achieving quality higher education.

The demonstrations by students to the campus will actually be fruitless, because the campus does not have the full right to change this new system. This new policy is a guideline from the central government and all higher education institutions must follow it. However, this demonstration also has a good side, which can help new students voice their concerns about the skyrocketing UKT and IPI increases. With student demonstrations, the government can also hear the aspirations of the community how the impact of new policies that burden the community, especially in the middle to lower class. In fact, the government eventually revoked this new policy in favor of the welfare of the community to be able to pursue higher education.

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