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I Love You and the Lord Welcomes Us in Paradise

28 September 2012   01:42 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   23:34 72
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Filsafat. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Wirestock

***my love, tell me about songs that the heaven sings
songs sing thousands of rhythms every day
among those songs you listen the best song
and you sing the best song in your heart and soul
and you dance with the song you sing
and your soul dance in the best rhythm
and you smile and embrace your greatest feeling
a feeling of being loved and honored
and your heart beats away for me and you
and you will say about your love to me
and I will tell you how much I love you
and you will never be able to be away
from the love we share between you and me
when time tells you that we run out of time
we deny and tell ourselves the same
that we will always be together in time
when even the thunder blitzes and roars
we still say we will be there in tack
not to be separated from any attack
of both outside and inside of our hearts
so let's celebrate our love everyday
for our love will never end in any day
and we will together go to paradise one day
and we will celebrate our love each day
before the Lord who says and welcomes us
and He says, love your love everyday
and ever after your souls will be happy
just as happy as you and me

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