Eduard Douwes Dekker, also known as Multatuli, is an all-time author from the Netherlands. Assigned in 1856 in the district of Lebak, he saw how inhumane acts were carried out by the Netherlands East-Indies against its colonies. In 1859 Douwes Dekker returned to his country and began writing a novel entitled Max Havelaar. In this novel, he tells of the cruelty of the colonialists against Indonesia. Therefore, the novel brought about a change in the colonial system. Until now, his written quote
"De plicht van een mens is mens te zjin"
has inspired many people to become have a more sense of humanity.
Multatuli's inspirational traces and cultural heritage during the period of Netherland East-Indies can still be found in the west of the island of Java. Located in the province of Banten, precisely in the LEBAK district, his name is monumentalized as the "Museum MULTATULI"
The second theme tells about the character of Multatuli and his novel Max Havelaar. Then, in the third theme, the visitor can be found regarding the history of Banten and Lebak. Meanwhile, the last theme tells about the history of the city of Rangkasbitung.
"Human's duty is to be human"
Special thanks to Mr. Ubaidilah Muchtar -- Kepala Museum Multatuli
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