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How to Do Sports Brain

14 Mei 2012   06:20 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   05:19 50
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How to Conduct Exercise to Enhance Brain Thinking Ability

The brain is one organ that is essential in human life. The brain is also a determinant of human intelligence. To continue to take care to stay healthy, especially to improve the intelligence of the brain there are few sports that can be made that impact on the increasing intelligence of the brain, as quoted from the site via happy-neuron.

1. To increase the memory

Listening to music can be one of the alternatives. Music can make a listener feel happy and peaceful. Keeping in mind the lyrics of the song levels of acetylcholine, a chemical that helps build the brain will be boosted. And of course this affects the strength of memory. Another way you can do is wear a shirt with no lighting or use a different hand while brushing your teeth. For those of you that left-handed, try using the right hand, and vice versa.

2. To increase the attention

One effort that you can do is to change the routine, for example, replacing the current route to and from work. It will awaken the brain from the previous habit. Another way is to combine activities and listen to audio books while running relaxed.

3. To improve language skills

Try to read more in-depth rubrics in newspapers / magazines, for example, the rubric of economic health or business. There you will get a new vocabulary that will enhance your language skills.

4. Enhance the visual capabilities Spasial

Ways you can do is go into a room and select five objects and their place. Remember its location, after that came out of the room and try to remember back when the position of the object. If it's too easy to remember try to recall the position of the objects a few hours later.

5. Improve the functioning executive

Playing video games is one of the best ways to enhance the ability of the executive functions. By playing games you will practice your ability to strategize, and also resolve the problem to get victory.

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