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Teuku Munandar
Teuku Munandar Mohon Tunggu... pegawai negeri -

Putra Aceh, menikah dikarunia 3 anak, alumni Univ. Syiah Kuala, bekerja di sebuah lembaga negara.




Development of Infastructure for People Prosperity

31 Agustus 2018   16:30 Diperbarui: 31 Agustus 2018   16:28 582
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Bisnis. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Nappy

Optimizing the infrastructures development budget in the planning of State Budget (APBN) in national level as well as Regional Government Budget (APBD) in both provincial and cities level is one of many Government's effort to support infrastructures development. President Jokowi's efforts towards infrastructures development in recent years has yield a significant yet positive progress. There is a gradual increase on infrastructures development budget as we can see in the planning of annual APBN.

Based on information released by Ministry of Finance in 2015, allocation of infrastructure development in APBN is equal to Rp256.1 trillion, and gradually increasing in 2016 and 2017, both have an allocation of infrastructure development budget equal to Rp269.1 trillion (5.1%) and Rp388.3 trillion (44%) respectively. 

In the current APBN of 2018, allocation of infrastructure development budget also experienced an increase of 5.8% or equal to Rp410.7 trillion. The said allocation will be spent to finance construction of roads (836 km), toll road (8,695 km), railway (620 km'sp) and ongoing construction of 8 airports.

By realizing the positive impact of infrastructures development has brought, all stakeholders in Indonesia should have provide their contribution to accelerate the completion of infrastructures development in order to achieve an excellence yet sustainable Indonesian economic growth. 

Development of public infrastructures is an obligation of the Government to provide an access to food, clothing, housing, health and education which are people basic rights. Nevertheless, utilization of the planned budget and construction of infrastructures cannot rule out the priority scale, effectiveness and economic function of the said infrastructures; accountability and good governance should also be concerned.

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