Now cases of sexual harassment in Indonesia are increasingly worrying and concerning. Sexual harassment is not something that is considered normal, because it can happen to anyone and anywhere. Not only adult women who are often victims, sexual harassment is also often experienced by men and even children are also often victims. Not only that, sexual harassment does not only occur in closed or quiet places, sexual harassment often occurs in open public places.
The perpetrators of sexual harassment do this only to satisfy themselves, they never think about the impact it will have on the victim afterward. For example, when the perpetrator abuses the victim but does not rape the victim, then for the perpetrator this will be considered a light action by the community. Meanwhile, for the victim, it is still a shameful thing and deserves social sanctions.
Victims can get unfair treatment in society such as being ostracized, or even considered dirty even though the victim never wants this to happen in their lives. In addition, the incident can cause excessive fear for the victim because the incident they experienced continues to linger and always haunts their lives, especially if they have to meet face-to-face frequently with the perpetrators who have abused them.
Moreover, if the perpetrator is a person who has a high position towards the victim, of course, the victim will always be terrorized and threatened so that the victim will be afraid and not dare to report it.
From there, actions against sexual harassment are inappropriate if they are resolved with the word "peace", usually this is done to protect the good name of a person or an institution. The word "peace" will not solve the problem and trauma for the victim, especially if the victim does not have support from the people around so it will leave a deep impression on the victim and is unfair.
Moreover, women are always considered weak by men, but this is what must be educated that we have the right to voice our deprived rights. Don't because of the threats that are given, then we just stay silent and forget that we have been harassed. In this country, a fair law has been applied, and through that, we are allowed to fight for justice for ourselves, we do not want to be considered weak, and perpetrators of sexual harassment must be punished with appropriate sanctions.
In this case, legal action is also needed, the law must not act unequally. Perpetrators of sexual harassment must be dealt with firmly. In this case, the role of the community is also needed in providing support to victims, and fighting perpetrators of sexual harassment until the case is finished. We as the younger generation should never assume that sexual harassment is a small case in society's perception if it does not come to rape.
This is a wrong perception, no matter how small the person who commits this action must be dealt with firmly, there is no word "peace" until the case is finished. Perpetrators must be given sanctions commensurate with their actions to provide a deterrent effect and fear the perpetrators.
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