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The Youth Pledge Day, Nothing is Eternal

28 Oktober 2022   20:57 Diperbarui: 28 Oktober 2022   21:14 651
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28 October is The youth pledge day. Everyone in this country celebrates this day as the youth pledge day. This celebration wants to remember again about the spirit of youth at the time. It's important to make sure again about the heroic history of youth for Indonesian freedom. 

I celebrate this day by doing my routine activities. They're like going to a coffee shop and doing everything there. One of my activities at the coffee shop is writing this article. I don't know, can this writing be called an article? but, I just want to write this and hope it can be useful for others. 

As usual, I did my task first as a treasurer in my organization. After a lot of tasks were done, I continued to do other things. They were like translating English- Indonesia, reading a novel (Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie), and continuing my English course that I got from Royal English. I was doing all my tasks and my phone was ringing. One notification entered my phone from the KKN group. 

This message was about a person from a member of the grup. She revealed that she was dead. I was surprised at the time. "Is it fact?". Why did she declare this information by herself? and other questions in my brain. 

I immediately contacted the number. I heard a strange voice from the phone. It was not her voice but, she immediately introduced herself. "I'm her niece". At the time, I was down to hear that. She said that my friend was dead because she just caught a cold. She used my friend's number to give information about it. 

My KKN group is so crowded with conversation about her. How about our last conversation, how about our last meeting, and how about our last planning that will be done. 

I still can't believe this information. I'm still writing this text but I still can't believe it. One message from this sad news that can be taken is remembering death. Death will come without watching the time. We are ready or not, we will die. So, prepare for it now.

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