write is my second world, but i do think that i feel more life with all those words. If in the real I silent, I don't in my write world. But they(almost of my close people)said that am great in telling the story, orally. There are two-against things grow up in me. Hard willingness in my head and soft-feeling in my heart. I am enjoying my learning in education world to be an educator to build y nation Weel, i start my new journey here. Welcome :D
Dr Widodo Judarwanto, pediatrician. Telemedicine 085-77777-2765. Focus Of Interest : Asma, Alergi, Anak Mudah Sakit, Kesulitan Makan, Gangguan Makan, Gangguan Berat Badan, Gangguan Belajar, Gangguan Bicara, Gangguan Konsentrasi, Gangguan Emosi, Hiperaktif, Autisme, ADHD dan gangguan perilaku lainnya yang berkaitan dengan alergi makanan.