Mohon tunggu...
Ahmad Nafran Razani
Ahmad Nafran Razani Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kimia Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Seorang mahasiswa yang sedang belajar menuangkan ide gagasannya dalam dunia kepenulisan. Tertarik dalam bidang sains terutama kimia dan pendidikan.



Ruang Kelas

STEM Activity FabLab Edu, FPMIPA UPI in Collaboration with Leading University Project for International Cooperation (LUPIC) and Maker's Red Box

13 Agustus 2024   06:44 Diperbarui: 13 Agustus 2024   06:46 125
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The activity was held on 15-19 July 2024 involving 10 UPI Labschool High School students and 10 UPI Labschool Middle School students as well as two resource persons, namely Bori and Beqi.

 The activity was officially opened by the Deputy Chancellor for Research, Business and Cooperation, Prof.  Dr.  Benyamin Maftuh, M.Pd., M.A.  and at the same time attended by the Director of International Affairs Ahmad Bukhori Muslim, Ph.D, Deputy Dean II FPMIPA Prof.  Dr.  Nahadi, M.Pd., M.Si., and Deputy Dean of FPSD Dr.  Tri Karyono, M.Sn.

At the initial meeting, discussions were held regarding exploring ideas related to the city to be built.  Next, this idea is expressed in the Tinker Cad application which is guided by the speaker.  After that, the design is printed using a 3D printer device in the fablab.  At the next meeting, material and practice regarding Adruino was provided, especially regarding natural light sensors applied in printed city designs.  Next, the installation and arrangement of the future city will be carried out which will be displayed at the exhibition activities on the last day.  On the final day, students were divided into groups and collaborated to build the city of the future.  The city is presented by group representatives and given direct assessments by resource persons and other groups.  This activity went smoothly and there was good enthusiasm from the participants.





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