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Small Scale Chemistry (SSC) FMNS-UPI, In Collaboration with Leading University Project for International Cooperation (LUPIC), South Korea

17 Mei 2024   20:05 Diperbarui: 17 Mei 2024   20:10 231
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On May 14th 2024, SSC workshop activities were held at the Chemistry Laboratory, Chemistry and Chemistry Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Indonesian Education University (UPI), Bandung. This activity is one of a series of activities in the inauguration of the Fabrication Laboratory Education (Fablab Edu) facility at FMNS UPI, which was obtained through collaboration between UPI and LUPIC, South Korea, where the purchase of equipment was 100% funded by LUPIC. Apart from the grant for providing Fablab edu equipment, LUPIC also provided support in the form of providing 20 sets of SSC equipment, bringing the total grant that LUPIC has provided from providing this program to almost 1 billion.

SSC workshop activities start at 11.00-16.00 guided by instructor Prof. Dr. Asep Kadarohman, M.Si.; Vidia Afina Nuraini, S.Si., M.Sc.; and Amelinda Pratiwi, M.Si. These three instructors are lecturers in the UPI FPMIPA Chemistry and Chemistry Education Study Program. During the workshop, 25 high school chemistry teachers from various schools in Bandung took part in the activity. 

Some of these teachers' schools include SMAS Labschool UPI, SMAN 1 Bandung, SMAN 4 Bandung, SMAN 19 Bandung, SMAN 21 Bandung, SMAN 1 Lembang, SMAN 3 Cimahi, etc. On this occasion, the SSC instructor said he was very happy to be able to provide training to SMA/SMK/MA teachers in Bandung. 

Because in general, organic practicums and other chemistry practicums use quite a lot of chemicals. "I was very happy to see teachers carrying out organic chemistry practicum on a small scale. It seemed that teachers needed to adapt to the SSC equipment used because usually a lot of materials were used and the glassware used was bigger than the SSC, also to minimize the budget that usually the budget for practicum in the school," said Amelinda. For your information, SSC is a set of practical tools with small glassware. Where the aim of using this micro-sized tool is to support the SDSs (Sustainable Development Goals) program, in the form of reducing the amount of chemicals in practicum.



In the practicum carried out, the teacher works in groups of 2-3 people. During the activity, the teacher seemed enthusiastic about the micro-sized tools used. One of the teacher participants said that he was happy to be involved in the workshop because he rarely did organic chemistry practicum, and he was happy with the use of micro-sized tools. 

"I am happy to be able to take part in the SSC workshop at UPI, because at school we rarely do organic chemistry practicums, especially small ones. "By using this SSC tool, of course we have implemented green chemistry in chemistry, because usually we teach green chemistry, but during practicum we don't apply green chemistry," said one of the chemistry teachers from SMAN 1 Bandung and the head of chemistry teacher in Bandung, Mr. Rikki.

Hopefully the activities that have been carried out can inspire teachers and related parties, and hopefully the collaboration between UPI and LUPIC can run well. (tr)

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