Hii I'm Nadia, I'm an student majoring in Communication Studies at Pembangunan Jaya University. I enjoy trying new things in my life, and one of my ambitions is to become someone people can rely on and trust. I enjoy making connections and developing positive relationships with various individuals, I am quick to assess trends/issues in my environment, and I also have skills in verbal communication and multicultural understanding. I have a high spirit and take responsibility in everything i do.
Mempelajari ilmu Filsafat dan Teologi, Politik, Pendidikan dan Dialog Budaya-Antaragama di Jerman, Founder of Suara Keheningan.org, Seelsorge und Sterbebegleitung dan Mitglied des Karmeliterordens der Provinz Indonesien | Email: inokarmel2023@gmail.com