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Social Media: Friend or Enemy for Teen Behaviour

20 Desember 2024   22:32 Diperbarui: 20 Desember 2024   22:32 37
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In addition, social media can expose teenagers to risks such as fraud, bullying, and data theft due to their lack of awareness (Putri et al., 2016). Online bullying can have a negative impact on their mental health. Therefore, it is important for teenagers to be careful, protect their personal data, and avoid trusting strangers online. Social media can also lead to impolite behaviour, because teenagers feel anonymous and act without supervision, often forgetting to maintain politeness in interactions (Putri et al., 2016).

social media provides interesting and new content non-stop, making it difficult for teens to stop scrolling. Teenagers also often compare themselves to others which can lead to dissatisfaction and fear of missing out (FOMO), causing them to stay online longer and focus more on their appearance and achievements. rather than what's important.

So that's the explanation guys about social media. Do you think social media is your friend or enemy? We as teenagers must always be careful when playing on social media and also play in moderation. Because if we only focus on social media, then our lives can also be messy, such as being punished by the teacher for forgetting to do homework, and much more. We certainly want to live in peace without being chased by tasks at home, at school or anywhere, right guys? Because of that, we also must be smart about dividing our time, such as doing homework in the morning, or something else.


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Aqiilah, D., As, D. S., & Fauzi, A. (2023). Dampak Media Sosial Terhadap Tindak Kenakalan Remaja. Edu Sociata: Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi, 6(1), 219-225.

Putri, W. S. R., Nurwati, N., & Budiarti, M. (2016). Pengaruh media sosial terhadap perilaku remaja. Prosiding Ks, 3(1).

Fronika, W. (2019). Pengaruh Media Sosial Terhadap Sikap Remaja. Fak. Ilmu Pendidik. Univ. Negeri Padang Email, 1-15.

Aulia, N., Nurdiyana, N., & Hadi, S. (2022). Pengaruh Media Sosial Terhadap Perilaku Sosial Siswa. Journal of Education and Culture, 2(1), 64-70.

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