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The Right Lifestyle For A Healthier Life

23 Juni 2012   20:00 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   03:37 68
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The simple way to have a healthy life is you must be live on the right lifestyle for a healthier life. If you do that, You will be sure far away from disease. So, what things that can make your life more healthy, how is the correct way to live healthy, how to eat healthy? everything will be covered on this page.

Existing technologies of today make people lazy. all of them want a quick and simple. For example, most people now go to work by car or public transport so that the body is moveless. almost instantaneous thought also makes them prefer to consuming fast food or junk food. All of this can easily lead them to many degenerative diseases at a young age.

Degenerative disease is a disease that is not caused by infection with either bacteria, viruses or parasites. degenerative disease usually affects older people such as high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes mellitus, stroke, coronary heart disease, obesity. But at this time, degenerative diseases are more prevalent in younger age causing by uncorrect lifestyle and diet.

Food is a source of energy for the body to all organs of the body can function optimally. A healthy diet can make our lives healthier. There are some things to be aware, so that we have a healthy lifestyle, they are :

The amount of food we eat

Amount of food we eat should be balanced between food intake and the amount of energy expended. The way to know that the food intake and energy expended is fair by look at weight loss. The ideal weight is very important to maintain the body for not susceptible to the disease.

The type of food

Type of food we consumed should be balanced between carbohydrates, protein and fat. The recommended composition for the health of the body is 55% – 65% carbohydrates, 10% – 15% protein, 25% – 35% fat. carbohydrates can be obtained from rice, potatoes, bread, noodles or vermicelli. Protein can be obtained from meat, eggs, milk, tofu, tempeh or nuts. Fat is more easily obtained from the daily food we consume due to the result of heating. But there is a type of fat that has better quality which is very good for the function of organs like the heart and blood vessels. With this type of fat consumed, then we increase the amount of good cholesterol in the body. This good type of fat can be found in olive oil, sesame oil and canola oil.

Feeding schedule

The ideal meal schedule is 5-6 times a day. Breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, evening snack may be added if necessary.

In addition to carbohydrates, protein and fat, we also need micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals which is contained in fruits and vegetables.

Besides of  healthy diet, healthy lifestyle can achieve by a balanced weight management, stress management, get enough sleep, avoid smoking, avoid alcohol, avoid drugs, regular exercise , a healthy sexual with husband/wife, medical check up regularly.

Adoption of healthy lifestyles is expected to improve the quality of life and health of our lives that can prevent the onset of degenerative diseases.

source :

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