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Healthy Pilihan

American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting 2014

12 November 2014   16:46 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   17:59 8
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According to American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting 2011, the epidemic of diabetes is now occurring globally. Not only in developed countries, developing countries also experienced it . Thus, the threat of this disease with all its consequences always haunts us.

Actually, you do not just suddenly develop diabetes. Wake-up time for example, suddenly skyrocket your blood sugar 400 mg/dl. No. There is a long process, you just get to it. According to American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting 2011 declare a state before you go into diabetes called pre-diabetes.

It is a metabolic abnormality characterized by increasing your blood sugar levels, but not to meet the criteria for diabetes. So, to know that you are having pre-diabetes condition, checking your blood sugar levels is very important decree anything.

Unfortunately, the pre-diabetes is arguably by American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting 2011 not leave a sign or typical symptoms, and can develop into type 2 diabetes unnoticed. While there are symptoms such as feeling thirsty, urinating more often than usual, it is easy to feel tired, weary as no energy , but because the symptoms develop gradually , you often do not realize it. Therefore, pre-diabetes can only be ascertained through examination of blood sugar. And , if your fasting blood glucose level between 100 mg / dl , and 125 mg / dl , or blood sugar levels two hours after eating greater than 140 mg / dl , but less than 200 mg / dl , you are in the category of pre-diabetes .

American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting 2011 recommended a changing lifestyle. If you do not make lifestyle changes or no intervention, in 10 years or less, you can go into diabetic. In the meantime, though you cannot yet be said to have diabetes, due to long-term complications of diabetes, especially in the heart and blood vessel system, chances are running. Then, because it does not give an indication of pre-diabetes, which is a typical symptom, of course you may ask when someone needs to make sure he was in the category of pre-diabetes? or is suspected to have ""pre-diabetes?"" condition already.

American Diabetes Association Annual Meeting 2011 provides recommendations for pre-diabetes checks if you have risk factors as follows:

  • If you are over 45 years old, you should perform as a routine examination that is repeated every three years.
  • Examination also should be considered more frequently performed, although younger age, but you are obese (BMI > 25) and had a distended abdomen.
  • You have other risk factors such as casual lifestyle and a family history of gestational diabetes or had delivered heavy babies (4 kilograms), blood pressure equal to or higher than 140/90 mmHg, HDL ( good cholesterol ) less than 35 mg/dl, triglycerides greater than 250 mg/dl, no previous history of vascular disease , and on examination you have previously impaired glucose tolerance or fasting blood sugar is not normal you .

So, before it's too late, immediately improve the lifestyle to be healthier and doing your blood sugar checks periodically.
Watch the video here.

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