MR. (RIP) Ali Alatas as the Foreign Minister of Indonesia from March 1998 Â to October 1999 had said, "The foreign policy of a country is inevitably shaped by the confluence of a number of interelated factors, both objective and subjective, including the country national interest as perceived within a given time frame, its geopolitical environment, its national history and especially true in the case of newly independent nations, the unique manner of its ascension into sovereign statehood. Thus, in the case of Indonesia, such factorsas its strategic location bridging two continents and two oceans, its archipelagic configuration, its cultural diversity and sociopolitical complection and its vast and still largely untapped natural and human resources cannot but have a decesive bearing on its outlook on the world". He had said this about twenty five years ago.Â
From this massage, we can make conclude that the harmony of two continents and two oceans has made the geopolitical tension among some countries which has the boarder one to another as the Asean Partnership Countries . So it makes the foreign policy highlight. So we must make the strong commitment to empower the partnership.
We are happy that Asean Summit has made the decession for the man power and economic relationship for the Strength Partnership of Asean. We pray to the God, the Asean Partnership will be the starting point to implement the great nation of Asean Countries.
A few days ago, The Army Commander of Indonesia had closed The Asean Solidarity Exercise at Natuna. We hope the exercise result will make the harmonize one for the humanity, peace and partnership with the active free politics. It reminds me that The aim of Indonesia's Active Free politics is to maintain state sovereignty and maintain national independence, maintain Indonesia's neutrality in the international arena by remaining active in creating world peace, and improving brotherhood between nations as an image of the spirit of Pancasila Values. Happy  the exercise day, slowly but sure the policy foreign highlight and the asean summit will be implemented for the Asean partnership development.
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